✍Farting In The Middle Of The Night

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"Stop messing around my living room with the ice cream in your hands" - I shouted before someone got hurt.

"Chill Tomlinson" 

"I'm all chilled out but if someone messes anything you're cleaning Harry" 

"Okay Boo Bear" 

"You haven't call me Boo Bear in ages you fool" 

"I like to call you that"

The doorbell rang interrupting this cute moment with my best friend. We are not gay but we treat each other like girls treat their best friends. 

"I'm going" - I screamed as I walked to the door.

I opened the door and saw my family. Why are they here?

"What? Did something happened ?" - I asked letting them pass through the door. 

"Oh for fuck sake Louis, you forgot didn't you?"

"About what?" - Now I was very confused.

"It's Eve's birthday in three days" - Daisy says.

"I know little monkey. But why are you all here?" 

"We came to help with the party" - my mum seemed excited.

"Oh yeah, and you are all staying here?"


"Thank god I have the rooms ready"

We went all to the living room where Harry and Eve were. 

"I didn't know you were here Harry" - My mum said. 

"You are here for Eve's Birthday?" 


"Nana" - Eve ran towards my mum.

"Hi sweetie. You are so big since the last time I saw you" 

"Daddy can I play with my aunties?" 

"Sure you can all go to your room"

 "Thanks dad" - my daughter gave me a kiss and went upstairs with Phoebe, Daisy and Doris. Ernest stayed with us. 

"Lottie is coming tomorrow from Dubai and Fizzy arrives in two days"

"How's everything Louis?" - Dan asked me.

"I'm good how about you?"

"I'm all good" 

Dan is a cool guy and he makes my mum happy. I like him. 

"Come here little champ" - Ernest comes to my arms - " You are so big since the last time I saw you"

He kisses my cheeks and sits on the couch watching cartoon. 

"We were eating ice cream. Where you guys want to have dinner at?"

"We can stay home. I'll cook" - My mum smiles - "You stay with us Harry?" 

"Sure yes" 

Dan, Harry and I went upstairs to put all their stuff on place while my mum prepares dinner. The thing that makes me the happiest man on earth is to have my family all together. They are always there when I need them.

After everything is organised in their rooms we go downstairs.

"Where's Eve?" - I asked as soon as I enter the kitchen.

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