✍ Smash some cake kid

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"In a minute please" - I scream whilst someone decides to almost break my doorbell - "Who the hell is ringing me bell so much?"

I open to door to see Lottie, her boyfriend and Harry.

"You are very welcome to me house as long as you don't break me fucking doorbell"

"Shut up and help us out you fool" - Harry gives me two boxes.

"I was almost leaving to get the things before Eve woke up"

"We took care of that for you brother"

I give a hug to my sister and a handshake to her boyfriend.

"How are you salts?"

"Very good and ready for my princess party. She's still asleep?"

"Yes and let her be while I prepare the things around"

Harry, Tommy and I prepared the backyard with everything for the party. I hope my daughter likes it.

"Hey Louis come here please"

"Sup salt?"

"I bought a dress for Eve to wear today. Do you think she will like it?"

"If you like it she'll love it. I like it, it's pretty"

"Good, I'm gonna put this away while we set the table."

Tommy starts bringing the cakes and pastries to the table and Harry is putting the balloons in the right position.

"Lads do you think this is right here or should we put it at the centre?"

"There it's fine because the kids will be running around and they might drop the table or get hurt" - Harry advised.

After everything is right where it should be my mom and Dan get down.

"You already set things up? Aww that's sweet Louis"

"Yes mum we already did it. Do you guys like it?"

"Yes it's very cute" - Dan complimented.

"Thanks. Mum can you do us breakfast please ?"

"Of course love! Let me just hug and kiss my daughter who I haven't seen in a few"

I'm really happy everyone's here for my baby's birthday. She is going to love it. The other boys are coming later for the party and some people I invited. Among those I invited it's Eve's teacher and her class friends.

"Is the hot teacher coming today?" Harry asked with a cheesy face.

"I'm not sure. I invited her"

"I have to see the lady in person"

"You will. Just tell the boys to don't act childish and creepy around her please"

"Louis, you can't tell Nialler to don't act childish! You are having a party with food and princesses. It's his paradise"

"Yeah yeah I know" - we start laughing and my mum call us to eat breakfast.

"Do you want me to wake the kids up?" - Fizz asks.

"No salt. I'll wake them up after breakfast"

Everyone's around the table except for the younger lads.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 21, 2016 ⏰

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