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That night Percy could not fall asleep on he went to the forest to blow off some steam, but was instantly on guard when a twig snapped and out stepped three figures


Before Percy knew it he was pinned to a tree and Craig was standing in front of him with an evil grin. The tree figures moved closer where Percy could see them, to say he was shocked would be an understatement. There stood Clarisse, Nico and Annabeth. Clarisse was first.

"Your pathetic prissy, it was your fault Selena died, if you have never been born she would have still been alive." The daughter of Ares growled and punched him in the face, his stomach and kneed hi him in between the legs. He doubled over in pain, but was yanked back up by the hair, and pierced into the stomach with maimer, Clarisse' electric spear.

"What the hell Percy your strong enough to fight them all off." Hades yelled at the Iris...memory?!?!?

Nico stepped up next. "You promised to keep Bianca safe, but she died and it was all. your. fault." He said coldly, summon some skeletons who bet up Percy, Nico lastly used the shadows to morph into a blade and cut him all down the length of his spine, which began oozing of a black substance.

Hades winced when he saw that, which meant what Nico did was rather painful and/or bad.

Next came the person Percy loved and hoped with all his might that she was going to help him. "I never loved you, you were just a rebound from Luke, your useless and pathetic, I can't believe you actually thought I loved you. You even said yourself that you never accomplished any of the thing you did by yourself that you almost always had help, you took away our glory, my glory, without my brain you would have died a long, long time ago." She hissed then did something that hurt Percy more that what she, Nico and Clarisse said and did.

She kissed Craig, and he kissed back. When they pulled back she gave him one more peck on the lips and said the words Percy dreaded to hear.

"I love you, Craig."

Percy's heart felt as though it has been ripped out, thrown into the river styx, then given to eagles to be pecked at, then torn and sewn back together, and that was only part of what it felt like.

Annabeth turned to Percy with an evil grin as did Nico and Clarisse. They each took out daggers and began carving into Percy's skin.

Unloved, useless, pathetic, pawn, weak, ugly, stupid, liar, murderer and monster.

Were the words carved into Percy's skin and with that, Craig wrapped his arm around Annabeths waist and they all walked off high-fiving each other as they left Percy to bleed out.

What they forgot was that Percy could heal with water so he summoned some water from the sea nearby and he was healed and cleaned of blood. But he still had the scars, as a reminder of this night, and what he is..

A monster and a murderer.

He snook into his cabin only to notice that Craig was fast asleep, so Percy changed quickly into some fresher clothes, took the box containing ring he got Hephastus to create, He opened it.

Athena, Aphrodite, Hera and some other Goddesses gasped at the beautiful ring. "He designed it himself and I just created it." Hephastus said looking proud of his work but also upset.

It was a silver ring, with an owl in the middle with diamonds for eyes, then on the inside of the ring it said; Seaweed Brain and Wise Girl 2gether 4ever, I love you.

He wrote a note explaining what the ring is and opened the Athena cabin window that just so happened to be by Annabeths bed and placed it on her pillow.

Tears rimmed the edges of the demigods eyes as he left camp half blood with out looking back. He decided to go to his mothers apartment.

Sally was always so kind and understanding, he called blackjack and they flew off to her place. When he opened the door the kitchen light was on though there was no sound from there.

Frowning Percy went forward to investigate, the sight in kitchen made Percy sick. His mom, step father Paul and one year old sister, River, dead on the floor. By the looks off it tortured before they were allowed to go to the underworld. On the table there was a note

though nobody could read it over Percy's head, so they decided to ask him later, the images stopped Just as wished for death.

Poseidon waved his hand and Percy appeared with his head in his hands and tears streaming down his face. He seemed to noticed the change and looked up to see everyone looking at him Sympathetically, even Ares.

Hestia ran over and hugged him, for an eight year old child she almost killed him and let go when his face went purple. "Percy, what did the note say?" Poseidon asked slowly incase his son was going to break down but was surprised to see his face then red with rage and the ground begin to shake.

"Poseidon?" Zeus asked but Poseidon just pointed to his son who looked ready to burst, even Poseidon was having trouble trying to stop the earthquake his son was creating. Percy took out a scrunched up piece of paper and threw it at his father.

Poseidon cringed when he opened the piece of paper to see it written in red ink.

"The bastard wrote it in their blood."

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