Super ultra mega ultra rant thingy

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I hate people who they have a disorder because THE INTERNET HAS SHOWN THEM WHAT SYMPTOMS TO LOOK FOR

Bish no.

Just no.

So this friend, let's just call her Sherla cuz she a Sherlock fan. Anyway, we were texting and she's like, "oh I think I'm bipolar"

And I'm here like "wtc bish" but I kept my chill and went "why"

So Sherla's all like "oh cuz I searched up bipolar and it looks like I have all the symptoms"

Now Sherla is like that little kid that gets on your nerves sometimes because they can't accept things.

I told her she it was the hormones and puberty and stuff and she whines
She literally goes: *whines* but I don't want to grow up!

And just so you all know I have BPD (Borderline Personality Disorder)

It's similar to being bipolar but it isn't. And the story of how I got it is I dunno, dangerous?


My family was in Colombia. My mother and father were driving home with my older *annoying* brother from watching a movie in theaters. I was comfortably in the womb. Then they were being followed.

Before one knows it, my mother and father and brother were held at gunpoint. Now you can see that my mother would be scared because my father could've been shot. In that time, something happened to my developing process, causing me to be born with that. I was just a young naked fetus oblivious to what was happening outside my warm abode.

Now it's not official cuz you need to be 18, but I mean my mother (mom) wouldn't lie. Growing up, I had more tantrums than the average toddler, getting mad, then happy then sad. You get the drift.

Ever since I was born, I had BPD (sounds like a gas station)


but yeah, Sherla got her info off of wiki



Just annoys me when people say they "have" something without evening confirming it. I got my mama and a doctor to back me up.

Moral of this rant, if you're showing symptoms of a disorder (or think), tell your parents because you may be just going through puberty.

Thoughts From Panda (We're Screwed)Where stories live. Discover now