What Pity Hides from Us

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Riza's POV
After the boy calmed down and fell asleep I picked him up and carried his weightless body back to the village. That's when I heard a familiar obnoxious voice screaming out my name, the salmon haired one. "RIZA DONT KILL HIM!!!" He yelled as he raced towards me.

If it weren't for my fast reflexes he might have punched me in the face, instead for his foolishness I kneed him in the stomach than judo flipped him for good measure. After he passed out I picked him up as well and trudged along. Their weight didn't bother me or the salmon haired one's excessive body heat, but the fact that he was right. I did nearly kill the child, not because he was annoying but because he was the enemy. And to me the enemy is best left dead.

However, when I saw his form flicker into that dark pit and I heard him screaming apologies to his mother and father I remembered something. And it wasn't something I wanted to remember, that familiar pain, that familiar abandonment. The child, or Helios shifted in my arms, only enough for me to see his face properly. His hair is a stormy white colour while his skin was as pail as snow, however on his body lay tons of bruises and dark magic circles. Almost as if he was an experiment. An experiment, I pushed yet another thought aside and continued focusing on walking.

The salmon haired one meanwhile was moaning while on my shoulder, motion sickness I believe but also something about Lucy and demon happy. Silence enveloped us,the only sound was my foot stepping on the floor of leaves. Each step hurt terribly, my fight with Helios wasn't major but that didn't mean his wasn't a little good. Then in the distance I heard a voice, crying.

I ran as fast as I could with my two passengers to the village where the crying was coming from. The village had taken a little of a beating on this side and after hearing the guilds destructive nature from Mira I wouldn't be surprised if I found Erza's and Gray's sides completely destroyed.

As I got closer to the crying I began to see a familiar blue fur moving next to a pile of rubble. When I finally reached my destination I saw Happy crying his eyes out and covered in cuts and bruises. He was digging through the rubble in a drastic attempt to uncover what was under it. Then that's when I saw it, Lucy's hand with her guild mark battered as the bricks lay on top.

I quickly dropped Helios and the Salmon haired one and started desperately uncovering Lucy. "Huh, what's going on....."

The salmon haired one went silent as his eyes fell upon Lucy's now uncovered face. "LUCY!!!!" He screeched as he began throwing rubble left and right with incredible speed.

In no time at all Lucy's body was recovered from the rubble and laid down next to Helios's. As soon as I set down her fragile golden head I saw Happy's face flooded with tears as he dove into Lucy's slowly rising and falling chest, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry." He kept crying into Lucy's stomach.

The salmon haired one in a desperate attempt to wake her up started shaking Lucy crying out for her to wake up. "Come on Luce wake up, this isn't funny. I thought you said you wouldn't leave me again? Come on Luce!! Wake up please I can't lose you to!!!"

His voice broke and he spun his head around towards me, his eyes were like that of a demon, burning with such intensity that I nearly flinched. "You, you can fix her! Just like those villagers!! Please," he grabbed my shoulders with insane strength, "save her!!"

"What, what's happening? Why is this girl.." Helios slowly said until he saw the salmon haired one blazing with anger.

"YOU," the salmon haired one roared, "YOURE THE ONE THAT DID THIS TO HER, TO LUCY!!! MY LUCY!!!"

In a ball of fire he lunged onto Helios reaching for his neck, Helios sat there as stif as a nail but something was different. Instead of being fearful he sat there with tears of acceptance, he wanted to be punished.

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