Ashton stared up at wall of snow blocking his garage door in silence. The back of his mind was contemplating how he would get inside. The rest of his mind was thinking about the girl with purple hair sitting in the driver's seat beside him. They'd been quiet the drive to his house; the only topic of discussion had been getting his car out of her front yard. Now, they were completely silent, neither one quite sure what to say.
"What now?" It was Ashton who broke the silence first. Bayla flashed him her big, doe eyes, the ones he'd dreamed about for months on end.
"I don't know."
Again, there was silence. Ashton wondered if he should get out of the car, but Bayla made no indication that she was planning on moving either. So he stayed, clearing his throat before speaking again.
"Bayla..." What he wanted to say was 'Let's talk this out.' or 'What are you thinking?' or even just 'Thank you for the ride.' He wanted to express to her that whatever happened in the future between them was up to her. Whatever she wanted, he would be happy with, even if that were a damn lie. Ashton had spent enough sleepless nights without her, torturing himself over why she didn't love him anymore. Now that he knew why, he wasn't going to let her slip away from him a second time. None of that really mattered, though. What mattered was Bayla's happiness, and that's all he wanted to convey.
Instead what he said was, "I need you."

Bayla's head whipped around, her hair fluttering around her shoulders. Her expression was one of surprise. Ashton flinched inwardly, but continued. "I need you, Bayla. I need you more than I could have ever thought was possible. These past few months without you have been painful and dull. I can't stand life without you. Without having you by my side." She was still staring at him, not saying a word. "I understand if everything's still too much, if I'm too much, but-"

Bayla stopped him from babbling any longer by crashing her mouth into his. Her lips were so soft and exactly how he'd remembered them yet somehow better. His hands found themselves tangled in her hair and hers were around his neck and god the moment was so perfect he forgot how to breathe. His eyes were still closed when she pulled away what felt like eons later but was probably only a few seconds.

"Ashton." she whispered, as breathless as he felt.

"Taylor Beth." He mimicked.

"What are we going to do?"

"What do you mean?" Ashton brushed the hair out of her eyes, letting his hand rest on her neck. This caused her eyes to flutter shut for a second before she sighed and opened them again.

"What are we going to do about us? Do you think we could get back together again? After everything that's happened?" The thought made Ashton's heart leap out of his chest. Being able to call Bayla his again was all he wanted.

"What do you think?" A ghost of a smile formed on her face as he asked.

"I think we could do it." Ashton could feel himself grin. "I think it would be some work but it would be worth it. We understand what we have to do to communicate better now. I think it would be worth it."

"Good," He leaned in so close he could feel her shiver under the touch of his hand to her cheek. "Because I think that too."

Their lips met for only a moment before Bayla pulled away again, causing Ashton to stifle a groan of frustration. He was so ecstatic that this was happening that all he wanted to do was kiss her until her lips were swollen.

"I also think..." She trailed off, biting her lip in hesitation.

"You think what?" He prompted.

"I think I still love you." Ashton's heart leapt out of his chest. "I don't think I ever stopped loving you."

"I never stopped loving you either." She beamed up at him. "I don't think we ever stopped loving each other," he continued. "I think we just got stuck."


THE END!!!!!!!!!!!!

this is literally the first fic i have ever finished so this is kind of a big moment for me wow

thank you to everyone who has read this, it means so much to me that anyone anywhere would want to take the time out of their lives to read my crappy writing, i appreciate you all so much and love reading your comments :) 

so for the last time...thanks for reading and don't forget to vote and comment :)

oh and one last thing! you can follow me on tumblr heavydirtysam and on 8tracks at yourenotlukehemmings where i have a playlist for this fic. I'm also in a band with my best friend sarah and you can follow us on twitter at DoubtFullBand :) 

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