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A/N: This meta was inspired @KaiteyKatXoXo's work Jovinki Evidence, which is a compilation of Jovenshire/Sohinki moments throughout their YouTube careers (particularly Smosh Games). Here it is for you @KaiteyKatXoXo! Thank you for the inspiration and for leading me to more Jovinki fanfics (and fellow Jovinki shippers) than I ever thought possible.

This meta has been in my mind for a few months now, so it's great to be able to write it and share it with you all. The videos referred to in this meta are not an exhaustive list of every video with moment(s) of Jovinki. The videos referenced will be in bold with the time the referenced moment occurs so that you too can find these moments. Any similarities between this meta and Jovinki Evidence are purely coincidental and not intentional.

This will be a multi-chaptered meta, so look out for chapter two soon!

Disclaimer: Jovenshire and Sohinki are their own people, so obviously I do not own them. And if either of you (or anyone else who works or collaborates with them, such as the rest of Smosh Games, Smosh family, Warp Zone, their significant others, etc.) are reading this, I apologise profusely if this work makes you feel uncomfortable/offends you, as it was not my intention.


When I first started watching Smosh Games in mid-2014 (late, I know), what caught my attention was the fact that Lasercorn seemed to have better relationships with Sohinki and Jovenshire than Sohinki and Jovenshire had with each other. They were the classic trio: with Lasercorn in the middle.

The thing that really got me interested in the Sohinki-Jovenshire relationship, however, was the fact that Sohinki and Jovenshire as a two player team had, "yet to happen" (see Smosh Games Game Bang page on Smosh wiki) and that they had never been in a three-player team either (this was before Real Life Prop Hunt (Game Bang)).

That got me wondering: what's going on? Why have they never teamed up? Would they come to blows – legitimate blows that would carry over into real life and affect their relationship off-camera – if they were to team up together?

At first I thought that they just didn't really get along at all; that they would only be around each other in the company of other Smosh Games members. Sure, they did videos where it was just the two of them, but since there were comparatively fewer of them, I thought that they only did them out of obligation, not by choice. But they actually get along really well when it's just the two of them (more on that later).

So then I thought that maybe they both liked Mari and were in this weird love triangle with Mari in the middle. After all, there is plenty of evidence for both Marhinki and Marishire – both Sohinki and Jovenshire are very obvious about their affection for her. Yet they show a lot of affection with each other too – at least, Joven does. He's just very subtle about it.

Jovenshire is not someone you would classify as "subtle". From Jovenrage to Joven Jokes to his charismatic nature, Joven's about as subtle as a brick wall. This is the guy that describes himself as having, "an over-the-top personality" who "like(s) to talk" and "like(s) it when people listen to me" (Bad Motivators Q&A, 6:02). So if he's subtle about anything, there's clearly something more going on; more than what one might initially think. And nothing embodies that more than how he is around Sohinki.


A/N: Thank you for reading this! It's a bit slow, but I'll really kick it off in the next chapter. Leave your thoughts about this introduction in the comments below. I'd also love for you guys to answer the following questions:

1. Have you read any meta before? (about fictional characters or real life people, it doesn't matter) If so, do you prefer fanfic stories or meta, and why? And what are your general thoughts on meta as a whole?

2. What do you think of the idea of Real-Person Fanfiction meta? Are there any Smosh Games meta that you know about that (send me links)?

3. What got you interested in the relationship between Jovenshire and Sohinki (particularly those who ship Jovinki)?

4. What were your first impressions/initial interpretation of Jovenshire and Sohinki's relationship?

5. Any other thoughts?

Look out for chapter two (perhaps in about a week or so), and once again, thanks for checking this out!


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