Chapter 1: How Jovenshire is around Sohinki

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A/N: Thank you so much for all your comments everyone, I really appreciate it! I love hearing your thoughts. I've already gotten comments about Jovinki moments and/or aspects of their dynamic that I'd either forgotten or hadn't thought about. I've given shout-outs to those people at the appropriate moments in the meta.

If I have accidentally misquoted anything throughout this meta, please let me know in the comments (as well as what the quote should be) and I will fix it as soon as possible. Once again, leave your thoughts about this meta below.

Also, I cannot believe that I've gotten 30 reads on this already. I never expected that, so thank you everyone for reading this meta!

P.S. I have no idea what to put for the story cover. Leave suggestions for the story cover in the comments below!

Warning: Given the content on Smosh Games, there will be moderate sexual references throughout this meta.


Jovenshire and Sohinki have a weird dynamic; it doesn't reflect the loud, dramatic and fun nature of the Smosh Games channel like every other relationship on the channel does. Their dynamic is so different that one might assume that they don't get along and have an adversarial relationship. I certainly thought so, which is why I started looking at their dynamic in the first place (that and they (still) haven't been in a two-player team yet).

Jovenshire and Sohinki are actually a lot like an old married couple. Whenever it's just the two of them, there's lots of jokes, lots of smiles, lots of poking and prodding as well as sexual innuendoes on the top. Such moments are present throughout videos such as F*ck Amnesia! (Sohinki Is Terrified), Cloudberry Shenanigans (Dope! Of Nope), We Get Tongued by Zombies (Dope! Or Nope) and Falling Hats are Weird! (Gametime w/ Smosh Games).

Even when it's not just the two of them they have pretty much the same dynamic, but I will explain this dynamic in chapter four. What I want to do now is try to answer the question I proposed at the end of the Introduction: how is Jovenshire around Sohinki?

He's googly-eyed, for starters. He's always giving him fond looks and ends up smiling whenever he does (as pointed out by @KaiteyKatXoXo). Joven's always trying to make him smile and/or laugh and is definitely trying to impress him.

No, really.

Remember in We blow ourselves up (Grand Theft Smosh) where Jovenshire those jokes at the beginning of the episode? He was definitely trying to impress Sohinki with those. He made the joke, "Would you say we are the milk men?" and then when Sohinki says that they'll become the Suicide Squad in GTA, Joven says, "Wait, I have the tattoos of the group can I be your suicide girl?"

He said your suicide girl. He could have said that he wanted to be the suicide girl, but Joven says your, so it sounds as though he specifically wants to be Sohinki's suicide girl and no-one else's.

But Sohinki isn't impressed with Joven's jokes. Joven responds to this by saying, "you didn't like my milk joke, you didn't like my suicide girl joke." Now, Joven could have said that no-one liked his jokes because no-one else found them funny either. By saying that Sohinki didn't like his jokes, it shows that he said those jokes specifically to try and make Sohinki laugh and/or smile. He cared about Sohinki thought.

Joven caring about what other people think of him is strange in itself, let alone making up specific jokes because he thought one specific person would like it. If Sohinki had not been there, I have no doubt that he wouldn't have made those jokes (especially not the suicide girl joke).

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