Where to Start

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It's been five hours since I was dropped off at the Seattle airport. My lovely aunt and uncle took the first chance they got to get rid of me. I had been living with them for a year now since my parents passed away. My aunt and my mother were sisters. They never got along though. My mother was a lawyer and my aunt an aspiring dancer. My mother was the star child to my grandparents. She was their favorite. However my aunt to them was a disappointment. So at the funeral for my parents I was surprised to actually see her cry. That wasn't as much a surprise as her new found hate towards me. My aunt and I share many of the same interests and goals in life. We always got along. Yet when I moved in with her she turned cold and oddly moody. The past year was hell. Not only had I lost my parents but my aunt who was supposed to be helping me through the grieving processes treated me like crap.

At the end of sophomore year she announced that she was shipping me to an Academy in London England. She said she never wanted to see me again that I was a disappointment to her and my uncle. 2 months later I'm standing alone in the overly crowed humid Seattle airport. No one to say goodbye too or say see you soon to. No one is there to wish me a safe flight. I am officially on my own now.


Uhhhggg could this get any worse? I internally groan. I start to pace back and forth in England's airport. My insides are at a complete frenzy. What was supposed to be a safe and easy flight to London turned into a nightmare. My flight gets canceled so I have to wait till 1 in the morning to finally board the plane back in Seattle. Then on my connection flight some old lady calls me a whore. I haven't the slightest idea where she got that from. She makes such a big scene that I am asked to leave and wait till the next available flight. Now I am set back 8 hours. When I finally arrive in London I am beyond tired hungry and grumpy. My dark brown hair is all tangled into a ratty mess and my hazel eyes are red, puffy and are underlined with a dark ring do to the sleepiness. My cloths are wrinkled and smell. I look like a complete mess.

Sighing in frustration I put my tangled hair into a messy bun and start the search for my suitcase.

"Great, just fucking great." I mumble to myself. The new problem at hand now would be I cant find my suitcase.

I must have been causing quite the scene because a guy which I assume works at the airport asks me if I'm okay. My immediate response is laced with sarcasm.

"Oh yeah I'm fucking fantastic." I immediately regret my tone of voice.

I was expecting him to tell me off. What I wasn't expecting was his sweet hospitality.

"Miss, I can tell that something is wrong. Is there any way in witch I could help you?"

"I'm so sorry for my hostel behavior. I am just stressed out and lost. Also I am scared and lonely."

"No apology needed Miss."

"Thank you Sir. The problem is I cant find my baggage. I have looked for it everywhere but I haven't been able to locate it."

"Ah I see. Your name Miss?"

"Ah yes my name. Asling Shaye."

"Give me a moment."

I take the few moments that the man that is helping me to text my uncle that I have arrived.

Me: Hi its me your niece you know the one you hate. Anyway just thought I would let you know that I have arrived in London. Not that you would care.

A minute later he responds.

Uncle Matt: Very funny Asling. You know good and well we care about you. I am glad you have made it.

Me: And by we you mean you and the dog. Lacey doesn't care she made that perfectly clear.

Uncle Matt: Asling your aunt cares shes just going through a hard time.

Me: Yeah well so am I but I wasn't a bitch to her. I have to go. I will talk to you later.

Uncle Matt: Take care Sunshine.

"Everything alright Asling?"

"Yeah I'm fine. Hey what is your name?

"Stefan Baylock."

"Nice to meet you. Have you found my baggage?"

"Indeed I have. Do you need a ride to your destination?"

"Yes please that would be fantastic."

Once inside and strapped into Stefan's car I give him the directions to the boarding school I will be attending. Apparently its The Royal Academy of Dance is where I will be spending the rest of my time in high school. Okay so I guess my aunt and uncle do have my best interest in mind but they definitely have a weird way of showing it. The academy is the best in all of England. I am excited to attend but also very nervous. I didn't have to audition to get excepted. I am hoping that the students there wont give me flack. I am almost positive that I would make it into the academy even if I auditioned with everyone else. This sure as hell is going to be one interesting year.

About 25 minutes pass before I see the monstrosity that is the Royal Academy of Dance. The brick building is illuminated with thousands of little lights. Gold lights run along the sides of the long drive way to the front of the building. Stefan drives for a few more minutes. When he comes to a stop I notice he has parked in front of a two story broad house. Surly this is one of the so called dorms.

"This place is amazing." I comment in astonishment as I exit the warm car.

"Indeed it is." Stefan replies in a low whisper.

"I cant believe this is where I will be the next two years of my life."

My head is spinning. What will people say? What if I'm not as good as I think I am? What if I get kicked out? What if everyone hates me? What If situations keep running through my head driving me insane. Thankfully Stefan draws me out of my self destructing thoughts.

"Do you need help taking your things to your room?"

I look at Stefan with confusion.

"Excuse me?" I say

"I said do you need help with taking your bags in?" Stefan repeats a little louder this time.

"Oh umm yeah that would be great. Thanks for the offer."

After a half an hour my bags are set in my room on the second floor of the house. My room is the last door in the long winding hall way. I thank Stefan for his wonderful help and give him my number. When hes gone I change into a pair of yoga pants and a sweatshirt. Its not been five minutes till I have fallen into a blissful sleep.


Hey. So I hope that you liked the first chapter of The Weight of Being on Point. The dance academy that gets mentioned in this chapter is a real dance school. However to be able to write this story I made some changes. So the academy for this story is based on the real Royal Academy of dance. I apologize for any grammar mistakes or sentence structure issues. Lemmie know if you have any questions. Will update soon. Bye bye=)

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