Chapter 1

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Chapter 1:

I was walking through the streets. I was in the wrong part of town, and and I knew it. But I kept walking and walking. My boyfriend was supposed to pick me up, but he just left me there in the cold. That was a clear sign. I didn't even have my jacket. I kept walking. I heard the roar of a  car engine behind me. It was a chevrolet impala. I knew the greasers weren't driving around in a car like that, but I also knew it was my boyfriend sittin' in that car. The car rolled beside me.

''Carol, get in the car. Your old man's gonna be mad at me.'' Jack's voice said from inside the car. Jack was my boyfriend. I didn't want him to be my boyfriend, but I had no choice the matter. My dad liked him so it didn't matter. Jack had blonde hair and bright blue eyes. He acted like a spoiled brat and he was one. I speed up my walking speed.

''Fine, but you're gonna get jumped by greasers.'' Jack said and speed off. Sure I was. Only Soc's jumped greasers. I'm pretty it wasn't the other way around. I could hear footsteps behind me.

''Go away, Jack.'' I grumbled. The steps speed up and I looked beside me and I stopped. Three boys where now walking beside me. They where defiantly greasers. Each one had hair that was greased back and they wore tattered jeans and each had a different kind of shirt. One who was tall and had a couple of scars here and there was wearing a white shirt that showed off his mussels. My eyes stuck on him. He was the scariest out of the three and probably had a gun or a knife under the thick leather jacket of his.

''You're on the wrong part of town.'' He said. His voice scared me even more. It was like he had eaten nails. I just kept walking. Just keep walking. I told myself.

''Just leave her alone.'' A boy about my age told him.

''She's a soc. What if she decides to call her boyfriend. You wanna get jumped?'' The older boy asked. The other boy that was with them quickly shook his head.

''See you should take Luka as an example. He knows what he's talkin' about.'' The guy said. I was ahead of them now as they started to bicker, but their bickering stops. I turn around and come face to face with the boy about my age. I stumbled backwards. I hadn't even heard him.

''Sorry. I didn't mean to spook you.'' He said. He was the one of the best looking greasers I had ever seen. ''I'm William. That guy back there was Dean.'' He said gesturing to the guy in the leather jacket.

''And the other one?'' I asked curiously as I look back at the other one.

''That's Luka.'' He said. I nodded.

''Why is he so scared?'' I asked. I was concerned for the poor kid. He looked around each time he would look up. He would look to his left then his right. Then he would stare down the street.

''So me and Luka-'' Dean started, but was cut off.

''Luka and I.'' William corrected. This kid was start for a greaser. Most greasers just had big heads thick of hair.

''Whatever, we decided we should take her.'' He said.

''You decided. I didn't say nothin'.'' Luka said in a small voice.

''Well do you think we should let the girl go and tell her boyfriend? That one we saw ridin' in that nice red impala.'' Dean said.

''Quit pinning it on the poor kid.'' I said.

''William! Dean! Luka!'' A girl's voice echoed. I looked around. Oh, this night just kept getting better.

''We're over here!'' William called. A girl with two other boys where walking down the street now as soon as she saw me she didn't take her eyes off of me. She looked about twenty, but she could of easily been eighteen.

'''What's the soc doing here.'' The girl asked.

''She's a cute soc.'' One of the boys with her said.

''Cut it out, Ford. She ain't stayin' to much longer.'' The girl said. ''Start heading home soc.'' She said. I looked at William for a second. He was cute and I wouldn't mind spending some more time with him so I could get to know him. I mouthed the word 'park' then started walking. I could stay out a little longer. Who would it hurt?

I walked toward the park at a slow, but stead pace. The greasers voice fade into the background. I think about how mad my dad was going at be a me.

''You should of came home.'' I could already hear him lecturing me. I walked to the park and sat down on the bench in the cold. I pulled my knees close to my chest. Would he stand me up. Would he just forget. I don't know what was going to happen. I feel myself start to get tired and I soon fall asleep.

''Hey, soc.'' A soft voice said. I slowly started to open my eyes. I moaned and sat up. I saw William standing over me.

''My name'a Carol.'' I said.

''You have got to be freezing.'' He said. I shrugged slightly. He took off his jacket and put it around my shoulders. This boy is pretty nice a whole lot nicer then Jack, but I have that gut feeling it will never work out. He's a greaser. I'm a soc.

''Look, William was it?" I asked. He gave a nod.

''Look, William, I know you wanna be friends, but I don't think it's gonna work out. Socs and Greasers are two completely different people. You and I, I don't think it's gonna work.'' I said.

"You say that, but I know you wanna try." William said. This boy sure is dad gone smart.

"Well I gotta be gettin' home greaser." I smiled. "I'll meet you here tomorrow."

''You sure your folks won't be mad?" He asked. I stopped for a moment. I didn't want to worry him. I shrug and start to walk down the street. I come to my house. It isn't to bad looking. It's a two story house and we live in a little neighborhood, that's quite and quant. I should just climb in though the window. I'll probably hurt myself if I go in though my window knowing me. I sighed softly and go to the door. I look in though the window. My parents are sitting on the couch clutching each others hands. I can't do it. I just can't. I race down the road and, rain starting to pelt my face. I was getting tired. I took shelter under a building and before I knew I was asleep.

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