Chapter 2

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Chapter 2:

I woke up to hands shaking me. I am a heavy sleeper though and not easy to get up. I can still hear the rain dripping at a steady pace. And it was still night time. I could tell because I couldn't see the sunlight shining though my eyelids. The hands that are shaking me are warm, but I can tell they are covered in hair grease. Nasty.

''Soc, wake up." A voice tells me. I groan. God am I tried of being called a Soc. I could be a Greaser if I wanted to, right?

"Doll face." A husky face that I recognize right off the bat says. It's Dean and probably that Luka kid. I open my eyes. Sure enough there is a ton of leather and grease crouched down in front of me. Luka is shaking me and Dean is just standing there. Where's William I think to myself.

"I though you was dead." Dean said.

"If I was dead my chest wouldn't be going up and down." I said, pushing Luka offa me.

"Don't push, Luka." A voice said from behind Dean.

"Sorry, didn't know the police where after me." I said as I got to my feet and look at a Greaser with blonde car that was standing behind Dean.

"Where's William?" I asked. They all started to laugh except for Luka. So just Dean and the blonde head greaser did.

"Some one's gotta crush?" The blonde laughed.

"Come on just leave her alone Carmichael. Let me have a shot." Dean laughed.

"Would you just tell me where he is!" I yelled at them.

"Man, Will can get a girl and I can't. And a Soc girl." Carmichael said.

"Fine I'll find him myself." I groaned and started to walk down the street.

"He's at his house. I can show you the way if you want." Luka said coming up beside me.

"Thanks." I smile kindly.

"Why where you just sittin' there like that." Luka asked.

"I didn't wanna go home." I sighed.

"A lot of Socs have been in our part of town lately. They been lookin' for you." He said.

"Just take me to see William. It ain't that hard to do." I said. Luka stepped in front of me walking a little faster. I felt bad, but I honestly didn't want to talk about it.

We got to the house and it honestly looked like a dump. It was old looking and most of the windows where smashed out. The lights where on which lite up the night. Luka looked at me with his big round puppy dog eyes then knocked on the door. Man the poor kid. A boy came to the door, but this boy was pretty cute. I mean I was into William, but if I wasn't I would sure be into him. I was shaking by now and my teeth where chattering. The boy looked familiar. I had probably seen him the night before. He was with that girl. His name was Ford or something.

"Hey, you're that kid from the other night. The one hangin' out with my kid brother." He said as he saw me.

"Your kid brother?" I ask. Now I knew where William got his looks, but where were his mom and dad? Why hadn't they come to the door.

"Who was at the-" The girl suddenly stepped beside Ford.

"You're the Soc from last night. We have a lot of Socs in our part of town because of you. I suggest you start walking home." She said. Ford placed a hand on her shoulder.

"I just came to see William." I sighed. Was it that hard.

"Will!" She yelled into the house, but no one answered. "Go get Will, Ford." She said looking at Ford. Ford walked off into the house.

"You wanna come in Lukie?" She asked Luka. Luka nodded and stepped inside. I tried to step in after him. But she stopped me.

"Sally!" Ford said suddenly. "He's not here. He left a note saying he was going to look for Carol." He said.

"Well Carol's right here." I muttered.

"Golly, he probably got jumped. There's a bunch of Socs wondering the streets. There's no telling since he's out there alone." Sally said grabbing her jacket. Now I felt offal. He probably didn't get jumped by just any Socs. I had a bad feeling it was my boyfriend and his gang. I tore off down the street.

"William!" I yelled.

"This is all your fault Soc!" Sally yelled.

"My name is Carol! Not Soc!" I yelled at her.

"Stop fighting!" Ford muttered. "We are not going to find William any fast with you two fighting back and forth." He said. Everything went quiet.

"Over..." I heard someone's voice say quietly. I quickly ran down the street. I saw William slouched against the building. I ran over to him followed by the others. My heart broke into pieces. He had a deep gash across his check and bruises covering his arms and legs.

"There you are." He smirked lightly like nothing was wrong with him.

"Oh, I'm so sorry William." I said softly. I looked at Sally and the rest of them. "We gotta take him to the hospital." I said.

"They can't do that, Carrie." He said gently placing his hand on my shoulder. Carrie, I remember when Jack used to call me that.

"Stop straining yourself Will." Luka said.

"Let's get him back to the house." Sally said.

"No! He needs to go to the hospital!" I yelled at them.

"William where else they get you?" Ford asked. William nodded and lifted up his shirt. I hadn't even seen the stain on his shirt, but there it was a pretty big hole. A hole where a knife would fit perfectly.

"He's goin to the hospital." Ford said, picking him up.

"Go get the car Sallybear." William said. She sighed and ran off down the road.

"Your gonna hurt yourself even more William." Luka said.

"No I ain't. I'm fine." William said. "You got jumped you where fine." He said.

"It wasn't this bad. You know it wasn't." Luka said. I bent down closer to him. I looked at him.

"You'll be fine William." I told him. "Now I wanna know who did this to you." I said, placing a hand on his shoulder.

"Red impala." He said and went limp. I looked down. This was my worst nightmare. Ford picked him up as Sally came around with the car. I felt offal now. The red impala if it really was a red impala it was my boyfriend and his crew. Man, this day just went from bad to worse.

"Get in the car, Soc." Sally said. I didn't even react I felt to bad. I sat down by William. I stroked his hair gently.

"You'll be fine Will." I said. I was already tired enough and it was the middle of the night. I closed my eyes and fell asleep.

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⏰ Last updated: May 10, 2013 ⏰

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