When The Full Moon Rises: Chapter 1

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Have you ever noticed how small strange things in the world have the power to change your life in every way imaginable? How it only takes one little event or meeting with a person to throw balace off completely? Some people call it fate. Others say it’s just a coincidence. As for me, after that night, I’m not sure what I believe.


Babysitting. It’s a inescapable part of a teenager’s life. Or, make that my life. It’s not that I had anything against watching a bunch of screaming kids for hours at a time. It’s just that, when you’re a fifteen year old girl and you have to prepare for an outing with your friends the next day that just so happens to include Zach Oliver, the crush you’ve had for all of your school years since pre-school, watching kids isn’t exactly what you would think to be the best way to get ready.

But it didn’t stop me from accepting Mrs. Jameson’s pleading for an unexpected babysitting job. It didn’t stop me from feeling sorry for her when her mom suddenly had a stroke and she needed a sitter. Even if I did have something better to do, how could I say no?

So I spent the next two hours with Samantha, Damon, and Eli. All of them seven years old, triplets. I cannot tell you how relieved I was when Mrs. Jameson walked through her front door. And I never truly understood how terrified kids can be of their mama until I saw those kids move as fast as lightning to pick up all their toys and sitting like perfect angels on the couch before their mom set a foot through the door.

“Oh, you do not know how much I appreciate this, Sunny,” Mrs Jameson said, smiling warmly as she handed me my money.

“Were they good?” she asked, pointing to her kids. I smiled a sickly sweet smile.

“It was like they weren’t even there,” I said, turning my back to glare at them. I shook my head. This irritation was getting to me. I wasn’t normally this angry and annoyed. I needed fresh air. I stuffed the wad of cash in my pocket and headed for the door.

“Be careful getting home, honey!” Mrs. Jameson called after me. The sun was just setting, and I lived almost all the way across town. Oh, well. It can’t be helped.

I grabbed my bike from where it lay on the Jamesons’ lawn and started pushing it towards the road, hopping on and pumping my legs as hard as I could as soon as my tires met pavement. Town wasn’t busy. Just a few people here and there, mostly just afternoon traffic and pedestrians getting home from a busy day at work, even though it was in the middle of the summer. This wasn’t a very wealthy town, so the people in it didn’t go anywhere very often. Including me.

But I didn’t think about that. My mind was too filled with images of what tomorrow night would be like. Though it may sound bad, I wasn’t all that excited to see Jamie and Cassidy. Zach was where all my attention was focused. Even though people thought Zach wasn’t my type, I still felt some spark when I was near him. It wasn’t like those crushes where they rarely ever talk to you. No, Zach and I are actually pretty close. We’ve known each other all our lives. But, like every other teenage girl infatuated with a guy, I wanted us to be more than friends.

So with my mind in that direction, seeing a pair of feet sticking out from under a bush on the side of a deserted road wasn’t really a common sight I saw when I came down this road. And I’d seen a lot of things. A yo-yo thrown over a power line, a kite stuck in a street lamp, and even a squirrel stuck in a birdfeeder. But feet? No. Never.

At first, I thought it was just a pair of shoes, but when they started moving, I was having other ideas. My bike was already slowing, but now it was at an absolute standstill. I assumed it was a person and that they needed my help, so I naturally jumped off my bike, ingoring it when it felt to the ground with a loud crash, and went over to where a figure lay huddled under the thick brush of the Georgia deciduous trees.

It was getting dark now, so I had to hurry. I wasn’t particularlly fond of the dark, and riding home in the dark was an absolute ‘no-no’. So I grabbed a flashlight from my bag that was on the ground beside me and flicked it on, only to realize that the battery was dead. Crap. Just great.

I ran my hands over the body, making sure whoever it was was alive. At first I thought it was a girl, but after my hand touched a spot that I never wanted to touch on a stranger, I thought otherwise. I grabbed him under the arms and tried pulling him out so I could get a better look at him. There wasn’t much light, but I saw what I needed to see.

If I had ever seen beauty before in my life, that was nothing compared to what I saw now. Yeah, yeah. I know what you’re thinking. Hot guy alert! But this was serious. From what I could see, he had shaggy black brown hair that was soft and silky, like cats’ fur. He had pale ivory skin that made my fingers wanna stroke it just looking at it. His eyes were closed, so I didn’t know what color they were, just that he had thick heavy black lashes that looked like feather dusters. He had a set of full firm looking lips, which I shouldn’t be thinking much about, and prominent cheekbones. Altogether, a very pretty face, if I do say so myself.

I looked at the rest of him. He was really tall, and apparently wealthy. Must not be from around here. He had on dark jeans, but a really nice button up shirt that fit him quite nicely. What the heck was he dressed up for out here? I mean, come on. It’s summer. But I dismissed the thought. It not like I could do anything about it.

I hoisted him up so he was more comfortably somewhat craddled in my lap. I feared for when he woke up. How freakish it would be to wake up and find your head in a strangers’ lap. While I sat there, I wondered what his personality was like. He seemed nice, at least from his looks. But if there was anything I had learned in my years of school and boys, most guys that looked like this were usually your typical high school asshole. But maybe I was wrong. And there wasn’t a big chance that I would see him after this. I mean, it was almost nighttime and apparently he wasn’t from this part of town.

He began to stir while I was thinking this through. But I didn’t notice. It wasn’t until I hear the five harsh words out of his mouth before I knew he was awake.

“Who the hell are you?” he asked, sitting up and staring at me.


okay, that's the first chapter! Hope you liked it. btw, the picture up there is of Sunny! Picture of Sebastian soon to come!

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