Chapter 6

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I don't know why, but I blushed such a deep red I thought my head would explode from all of the blood that was flooding my face. Sebastian seemed to enjoy it. He sat there and looked at me, trying to keep from smiling. He was unsuccessful. That same enchanting smile broke out across his face. Well, at least he wasn't......But then suddenly he broke into a fit of laughter. His whole body shook with it. He was laughing so much he started crying. I scowled, my face flushing even redder from anger.

I lashed out and shoved him off the bed until he landed on the floor again, harder than before. The bed shook with the aftershock of his landing. I winced. That would leave a mark. I watched with a little bit of satisfaction as he sat up dazedly, shaking his head. As he turned towards me, I gasped. That little piece of satisfaction vanished as I saw the trickle of blood oozing from a cut on his forehead. I was horrified.

"Oh my God! Are you okay?!" I hopped up from the bed and sat beside him on the floor. He snorted.

"Oh, now you care? Maybe I should get hurt more often," he said, smiling slyly at me. I socked him in the shoulder.

"Man, you're fiesty, you know that?" he said, rubbing his shoulder.

"And proud of it," I said. My hands flurried around him, unsure of what to do. I grudgingly admit, I felt guilty. I knew I was fiesty, but I had never made someone bleed before. This was definitely a first for me. He rolled his eyes at me.

"I'm fine, alright?" he said, getting up off the floor and sitting carefully on my bed. I didn't stop him this time. I glanced at the clock on my bedside table. It was just after ten in the morning. Good. That meant Mom and Dad had already left for work and Brandon was at day care. I was all alone with Sebastian. In a way, that was good. In a lot of others, it was terrible.

Instead of taking his word for it, I left the room and walked across the hall to the bathroom. We had a first aid kit around here somewhere. After searching through all the crap under the bathroom sink, I found our much-abused first aid kit. It had been through a lot. From scraps, cuts, rashes, and illnesses, it was still here.

Sebastian was still seated on my bed, rubbing the side of his head like he had a headache. I felt another pang of guilt. He looked up as I sat beside him and examined his cut. It wasn't deep. But head wounds always bled alot. I found some alcohol pads and started cleaning it. The smell of it stang my nose.

He hissed when it touched his skin.

"God, that burns! Besides, I told you I was fine," he grumbled. I ignored him and started rubbing some cream on it, so it wouldn't get infected. Then I got some gauze and hospital tape, along with a piece of cloth to go over the cut. I had taken a class on this kind of stuff at a community center in town.

I folded the cloth into a little square and secured it to his forehead. Then, with precission, I started wrapping the gauze around his head. Making sure it wouldn't come off, I put the tape on it. I patted the top of his head as soon as I was done.

"Was this all really neccessary? I mean, don't you guys have band-aids?" he said, hesitantly patting the place where his cut was. I snorted.

"You owe me big time," I said, walking out to put the first aid kit away. This time he followed me. He examined my small bathroom. I walked past him back into my room.

"Well, you sure are a nice host," he said, leaning against my door, crossing his arms. I raised an eyebrow.

"What are you going on about now?" I said.

"Aren't you going to offer me some food, or a change of clothes?" he suggested. I rolled my eyes.

"Fine," I huffed. "Stay here," I pointed at the bed. I got up and walked to the kitchen. But of course he didn't listen. He followed, slowly taking in the appearance of my house in the light.

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