Chapter 4

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That night I had a dreamless sleep. The murderer that haunts me in my dreams didn't come and visit me last night. Every time I have the dream it's always the same. I am laying in my bed reading, when I hear a gunshot coming from my parents room. I do what they told me to do if something like this ever happened. I open my window and climb out of it. I run down the road knowing not to look behind me, but I do anyway. I know my parents are dead. When I turn my head back around there he is. He is always wearing a long black cloak that falls under his knees, and a mask that covers his whole face. Except for one eye. The brown eye that haunts me. I yell, but no noise comes out, so no one comes to look for me. He moves his finger down to the trigger and says, I won't fail again, and right before he pulls the trigger, I wake up. That's it.

I get out of bed and head to my bathroom to shower. When I'm done, I go to the mirror to look at my reflection. I forgot about what happened yesterday with Jean. I tape down my chest and put on my red shirt, white pants, and boots. I put on a black sweater to hide my figure because I'm supposed to be a boy. I head out of my room and see Eren standing in the hallway talking to Jean.  A second later Eren is on the ground clutching his cheek.

Jean sees me looking at him and pushes Eren out of his way stepping on him anyway. He walks over to me and puts a hand on the wall. I look away in the other direction. "What are you looking at shrimp?"

"I didn't think I was looking at anything important."

"Are you saying I'm not important?"

"Your not high on the list of people I care about." His eyes. His brown eyes. Why do they look so familiar?

"Listen Shrimp Dick Fuck Nugget, I can make your life a living hell in this orphanage. From now on you will only do as I tell you. Now, I want you to get on your hands and knees and kiss my shoes.

"All right." I got on my knees. I put my hands on the floor and slowly started moving towards his shoes. Then I quickly whipped up and kneed him in the croch. He bent over in pain.

I grabbed him by his hair. "That's the thing." I said in his ear. "I don't take shit from anyone. You don't own me. I don't have to do shit that you say. Just know that. If you think you can make my life any worse than it already is, go ahead and try. I've grown up with people worse then you. From now on if you hurt any of these people I'm coming for you. Got it?"

"I got it." He said through clutched teeth. I threw him on the ground and walked towards Eren.

"Hey, Eren? Are you okay?" I asked him as I helped him up.

"I think he bruised my ribs. But besides that and the cut on my cheek I should be okay."

"C'mon Eren. I will help clean it and try help your ribs heal."

"A-alright..." He put his arm on my shoulder and clutched his ribs with his other. I lead him to my room, and set him on my bed. I went to the bathroom and got a wrap to put on it. Just to hold it in place. 

"This should do it..." I say as I finish wrapping his rib cage. I layers him down on my bed. "Try not to move... I don't want it to get any worse." I slowly get up off of my bed when Eren grabbed my hand.

"Mikasa, why did you fight Jean? You could have gotten hurt." He was so concerned.

"I fought Jean because I knew I could take him. I had a brother who died in a war, and he taught me stuff before he died. I spent my whole life being bullied and what my brother taught me help me get the bullies to stop. I have met people worse the Jean. He is nothing but an annoying fly to me."

"Oh my god Mikasa. Your so bad ass. I didn't know any of this."

"Yeah well, I hate talking about my past. Eren, stop trying to get up, your going to hurt yourself even more. I'm going to go get us some breakfast. Stay. Put."

I left the room and closed the door behind me. Almost everyone was staring at me because either, A) they saw what happened between Jean and I or B) they heard a version of Jean and I fighting from someone who saw it. I'm sure there are different versions of the story at this point.

I go to the mess hall and get two meals. On my way back just as many people where whispering and staring as before. When I got back to the room Eren was sleeping on my bed. I put the food on the night stand and left my room letting Eren sleep. A part of me wanted to go back and watch him sleep. He was so cute. That's when it hit me. I had feelings for Eren.

Thank you Armin_book person for commenting and voting on this story. Also thank you everyone else who commented. I don't know your names, but they make me feel good that people are enjoying this story so much. THANKS SO FIGGIN MUCH!!!!

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