Chapter One

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I walked through the gym, smiling and waving at familiar faces as I made my way towards the back.
     I entered the dim room that was only lit by the big window off to the side. The ring was being occupied by two men with boxing gloves taking jabs at each other then falling back repeatedly. I nodded to a friend of mine Ryan, one of the trainers standing by the rink, but didn't stop to talk.
     I continued walking towards the big black punching bag in the back of the room. It was 6 in the evening going on 7 which meant I could finally release all the days frustration & get my adrenaline pumping.
       As the bag came in view so did a petite caramel skin female. I frowned slightly because this was known as my usual spot at this time, and they failed to inform her. But my frown soon turned into a smirk as the girl leaned forward and punched the bag with all her might barely moving it back. I chuckled then cleared my throat as I walked over to her, "You're hitting it wrong."
   The girl turned around and looked me up and down rudely with her eyes. "Oh? And how would you know?" she questioned me then turning back to hit the bag again. I laughed.
   "Because I use to be a trainer here, and I've been coming here and training for years; since I was sixteen." I smirked at her.                         
She looked at me with suspicion in her eyes, "You? A trainer? In boxing?" She shook her head with disbelief and went back to hitting the bag.    
"See, your posture is wrong and you're leaning to far in. Your dominant hand needs to be here and this hand here," I walk over and fix her stance. "Then you extend your arm like this, that way you're not straining yourself and you're also not leaning too far in giving the "opponent" an advantage. Try it" I say simply after she studies my movements. She does as I say hits the bag a couple of times causing a greater impact than her previous hits.
    She turned and smile at me. "That actually worked, and I don't feel a pull on my shoulder anymore," she says. I smile and nod. "Well, glad to help." I say with a nod.    
  "Oh I'm Nichole by the way," the girl says as she takes off her glove and extends her hand in my direction with a full bright smile. I finally took a good look at her, blonde curls stretching in every direction on top of her head, her honey colored eyes complimented her skin tone and soft pink lips set against pearly white teeth.
I couldn't help but smile back  and extend my hand as well, "I'm Dominic," I take her hand and we shake.
  "So you use to be a trainer? Why did you stop, you're obviously good at it," Nichole questioned me.
        I smile taking in her compliment, "Well because it wasn't fulfilling. I enjoyed it for years, being able to put all of my energy and frustration into and letting go of anger without harming someone. But then I realized it wasn't what I truly wanted to do, it was something I picked up and became good at doing." I replied as I place my duffel bag on the floor and reach into my bag for my gloves.
    "Hmmm, so did you find something that you truly loved and was fulfilling?" she asked with a hidden smile. I raised my eyebrow at the secretive smile, I  waved it off as nothing in my mind.
   "Yes, I dance. I own the Dance Soul studio and I'm also a promoter, for like clubs and parties and stuff." I said as I stood and faced the punching bag after getting my gloves adjusted correctly.
  "Dancing? How come? " Nichole replied. I hit the bag with a combo and got back in stance then turned to her.
"I dance because I love it. Getting lost in the music and letting the movements flow together," I turn back to the punching bag, "it has the effect as coming here but better," I smile over my shoulder.
"I can understand that," she replied thoughtfully.
   She watched me hit the bag a few more times, "I know you know longer train, but do you mind showing me some stuff," she asked with a shy smile looking down allowing me to see her blonde curly roots.
  "Me? I can't possibly be a trainer," I mocked with a sly smile. Nichole giggled and raised her hand in defense, "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have judged you without knowing you."
"Mhmm, especially if you're at my bag on my time," I smirked at her, "but yeah, I'll show you some basics." She smiled when I relented.
   For two hours I worked with Nichole on the bag before my phone lit up in my gym bag. I grabbed a white rag and wiped at my sweat as I reached for my phone. I unlocked the phone and looked at the screen before a smile spread across my face.  I got a text message, 'I'm outside'. I looked towards the big window and sure enough the black mustang was sitting in the parking lot with the headlights on. I started putting things in my bag and told Nichole I was leaving. She looked at me and with a small smile that didn't quite meet her eyes, "Okay, I hope we see each other again."
   "I'm here every other day at the same time just as long as I'm not doing a promotion or something." I told her. Her smile brightened, "Well then see you." she waved at me. I smiled  waved back before exiting the room with my gym bag on my shoulder.
     When I got into the car I threw my gym bag into the back seat and leaned over the console giving my girlfriend a kiss, one that was not returned. I pulled away a frowned deeply, "What's wrong Dejah?" I asked looking at her tensed face. Dejah barely looked at me before she spoke in a low voice, "Who was that girl?"

A/N: Hello to anyone who may have stumbled across my story and just found it interesting enough to make it to this point. I thank you very much for reading. I am a new author on Wattpad and I can use as much feedback as possible. With that said please try not to be too rude if you happen to leave a comment. I hope you enjoyed the first chapter of my story. Thank you.

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