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"Hey! Are you there!" Sakura waved her hands in front of my face.

"W-wha?" I said dumbfounded.

"Hey kids! Sasuke-kun is it! You better run away from him!" Sakura screamed while the children were running around.

I stayed silent the whole time.

"Hey! Aren't you gonna play?" She asked me.

"Why would I ? This is so immature." I turned my back against her and started walking away.

Then I heard someone sob.

"Hey mister! Stop making our onee-chan cry! Stop being such a party pooper!" The kids started yelling at me while pulling strands of my hair.

"Hey! Can you just stop?" I screamed as the kids started kicking my knees.

"We won't stop until you play with us!" They were so bothersome.

I sighed "Fine. I'll join but only for a round."

"Yeah!" The kids fist pumped along with Sakura.

"Yes! Onee-San is gonna play with us." Sakura yelled.

The kids scattered around as they wait for me to attack them. The kids are not my target. It was Sakura. This is a payback.

Then just for a moment Sakura disappeared.

"Hey Onee-San why won't you tag us!" A random kid said.

"Wahh!!" I heard a tree branch snap. I quickly moved away as reflex.

Then I saw Sakura landed on her rear end. Why is she so stupid, climbing up a tree just like that.

"Why are you so stupid!" I yelled out while helping her stand up.

"Hahaha." She just laughed.

Later on, a bunch of kids were joining the laughter that Sakura caused. I don't get why are they laughing.

"Onee-chan is the it! We better run away!" The kids yelled and scattered again.


I can't believe that I was stuck in this game for more than thirty minutes already!

"Aww it's five o' clock already. We need to go back home onee-chan." The kids bid their goodbyes and finally left.

"You had fun didn't you?" She nudged my shoulder.

"Tch." I turned my back around her and started walking away. How annoying. What a complete waste of my time.

"Hey chicken-bum! Where are you heading." An anime vein popped at the side of my head.


She just stood their wiping her eyes and started laughing. For some reason I just wanna stay in the park and enjoy the atmosphere.

I even gotta admit the game we played earlier was fun. But I didn't smile. Weird right?

Since my parents passed away a few years ago, it's like I've been locked in a cage that I couldn't even break out.

"Sasuke-kun? What's wrong ?" She stopped laughing and walked towards me with a worried expression on her face.

"Nothing." I started walking away.

"Well. . . See ya!" She left me and ran straight towards her house.


*alarm clock*

I groaned as I smash the button to shut this thing up.

"Wakey! Wakey Sasuke!!" I shivered as I felt my blanket being pulled off.

"What are you doing this early in the morning Naruto?" I groaned.

"And don't forget me!" I heard a familiar voice coming from the right.

"What are you doing here?!!!" I yelled when I saw Sakura sitting at the right side of my bed.

"I bumped into Naruto over here and I took the liberty to ask him where you live. Aaaand TADA! I'm here!" She screamed and started dancing around like a little kid.

"But why would you ask for my address?" I asked her, don't tell me she is one of those "fan girls" too?

"Oh I'm planning to go to the amusement park with you today." She calmed down a bit and sat down on my bed.

She wants me to go to the amusement park? That's childish! I had enough of her tag games yesterday!

"Hn! Why won't you go with Naruto today?" I asked her raising a brow.

"Oh she already asked me and we just figured that you should come as well." Naruto butted in the conversation.

"Just go by yourselves and why should I be involved?" I asked them throwing a pillow on my face to cover my face because the sunlight is hitting it.

"Because it's summer!!!!" They both screamed together.

"If you don't go to the bathroom this instant.... I'm gonna start to undress you!" Naruto threatened.

Sakura and I stayed silent for a while. I could feel that heat is starting to consume my face.

"Fine! I'm going!" I quickly jumped off the bed and headed to the bathroom.

How annoying! I can't believe that lame threat actually scared me!

Or is it because there is a girl in the same room as us?

"Umm Sasuke we would be downstairs preparing breakfast for you. Just come down if you are done dressing up." I heard Sakura's muffled voice in here.

For some unknown reason. . . My heart is really pumping fast!

I'm I gonna die because of a heart attack?

Promises And Lies |discontinued|Where stories live. Discover now