Chapter 1

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*Still to be edited! Please comment on this.. Hopefully I won't ditch this idea like every other story I start writing. I have a skeleton for this, so there's a chance it won't get thrown away*

I rolled over onto my back and looked at the cracked, grey ceiling. I had a killer headache, let alone the nauseating feeling in the pit of my stomach. Our motel room had an odd stench; cigarettes mingled with blood. My friend and I, Jayden, arrived here with the smell greeting us. I rolled over once more, this time onto my left side. The lights were off, but sunlight was peeking through the lace curtains opposite me, dimly lighting the room. I focused on Jayden's bed, yet no one was there. Of course, I thought. We went to the pub last night. Jayden had a knack for attracting women. I guess you could call him a magnet. He was probably at some chicks house with a hangover, wondering were on Earth he was. I smiled, yet it probably came out as a grimace, as my face muscles were still asleep.

I turned my head away from Jayden's bed and looked at the lace curtains. They were quite thin and had picked up a grey tinge with oldness. You couldn't say they were ugly, though. The pattern on them was like a re-occurring zentangle.
I lay in bed, looking at the curtains for a while, as if in a trance. After at least 10 minutes, I picked myself up out of bed and shuffled towards the 'kitchen' were I made myself an instant coffee. It wasn't as good as a proper coffee, with the grinded coffee beans and everything, but it did the job. Jayden and I had decided to stay in an average motel. We didn't want it to be luxurious and have a 5-star rating, because it would be too expensive. We eventually decided on our motel, which had a rating of 3/5-stars and was called Natural Easiness. Our room had 2 single beds, a small kitchen which included a stovetop, microwave, fridge/freezer, sink, kettle and an oven. We also had a bathroom -which, personally, was disgusting- and a small living area.

I sipped my coffee, which tasted bitter. I leaned up against the kitchen bench and sighed. How I wished I was still asleep, dreaming.. I closed my eyes, but instantly re-opened them. Someone had knocked on the door. I placed my coffee on the bench, instantly wishing I didn't because the cups contents warmed my hands up. I walked over to the door, stood on my tip-toes and peered through the little peep-hole fixed on the middle of the door. I couldn't see anyone but I still open the door a bit, making a sliver of light from the hallway peek into our room. I looked down and found a little girl staring at me.

'Hello,' I said wearily, 'can I help you?'

The little girl just stood there. She was wearing a white tutu with a black belt. I noticed the dress had crimson stains on it. Is that blood? Before the girl had time to answer, a voice rang throughout the hallway.

'Ellie! Where are you?' a panic-stricken voice called.

The girl turned her head away from me and looked down the hallway where a woman was now standing.
'Ellie, you stupid girl! How many times have I told you not to go wandering off?' the woman said, while walking towards us. I didn't think she noticed me, because she grabbed the girl by the wrist and yanked her, causing her to stumble. I went to close the door, happy I wasn't noticed until I heard my name.

'Mummy! It's Mikki!'

At hearing my name, I walked out into the middle of the hallway, leaving the door wide open.

'Mikkayla is in Britain. If she were here, I'm sure we would've known. So stop telling little lies.' the mother said angrily, still clutching the girls wrist.

The girls face fell. I kinda felt bad for her. But did they mean me? I was in Britain a week ago, so..

'But.. But mummy! Look!' the girl shrieked and yanked her head towards me. The mother slowly looked up, and I found myself staring at her. It's rude to stare. My mum always told me that.

'Mikkayla? Is that you?'

I pointed at my chest. I was Mikkayla, but I doubted I knew the woman.

'M-me? Uh..'

Should I lie?

'Yes, I'm Mikkayla. Do I know you?' I questioned.

I felt scared now. The woman was walking towards me so I stepped to the side to get back into my room. Before I could get my foot into the doorway, I was knocked over

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