After The Wars

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Hello everyone! I hope enjoy this crossover! Please bear with me I have dislexia so the grammer and spelling won't be the greatest ;)

Nico's POV

I felt dead. The battle was over. It was done! I couldn't wrap my mind around the idea. No more Gaia, no more giants. Well for now anyway. For us demigods the battle is never truly over but we sometimes, just sometimes have small moments like these when we feel like it is. Another extremely puzzling thing was a small feeling I had felt earlier. Reyna had hugged me and something had happened to me. I suddenly felt, well fluttery, as though there where hundreds of miniature ghosts in my stomach swimming around. I felt happy. I spotted Percy and Annabeth laughing while talking to Poseidon and Athena in the smashed up dining pavilion. Hazel and frank where trying to talk to Mars but he just kept butting in trying to tell them he was really the one who had won the war. Piper and Jason sat a few meters away hugging and laughing at the same time. Then I spotted her. Reyna. She was sitting by herself on the hill with only the statue of Athena for company looking down over the  camp with a crushed look on her face. I decided I would put on a brave face and walk up to her."Hey" I said as I reached the top of the hill "Oh, hey Nico." She said sadly. "Why are you sad? We just won the war!" *sigh* "We lost so many Romans and Greeks alike, not saying that I wished Octavian was still alive but...." "Everyone knew it was a risk they had to take, but to be truly honest no one minded Octavian's, how do I put it? Unfortunate accident." "Well I suppose so!" Reyna laughed "thanks Nico." "For what?" "Making me feel better like always" she smiled "all good". I said blushing and smiling to myself... 

Harry's POV

It was all my fault. Fred was dead Tonks was dead Remus was dead Snape was dead Dumbledore was dead and so many others! They had all sacrificed themselves for me, for some strange reason. If only Voldemort had never heard the prophecy, if only Voldemort had never been found by Dumbledore, if only he hadn't been born. As i was dwelling on these thoughts I didn't notice a slim figure appear behind me until it put a small but warm hand on my shoulder. "Its not your fault." Ginny said softly as she sat down beside me and picked up my hand and grasped it protectively. "How did you know that's what I was thinking?" I inquired "I know you." She said plainly. There was a small silence which was broken by Ginny saying "I will always love you no mater what." She got up off the stair we where sharing In the crumbling astronomy tower and dusted herself off, kissed me lightly on the lips and walked off. I felt quite a lot better. That was the first time anyone had said that they loved me. It made me fell warm and fuzzy inside 'so this was love?' "Harry!" I heard Hermione and Ron yell "we have been looking everywhere for you!" Hermione said sounding relived. "Well mum and dad want you to come and well..." Ron gulps "What Ron is trying to say is his mother and father would like you to come and say goodbye." "Goodbye?" I wondered. Hermione looked at me sadly. "Oh. Right" I said following them down the astronomy stairs.

Thanks for reading! Please enjoy!!! :)

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