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Reyna's POV

I watched Nico walk up the hill coming towards me looking grim but somehow happy at the same time, just as he reached the top he smiled, blushed and simply said "Hey." Feeling sad though Nico's presence made me feel a little better I muttered "Oh, hey Nico." "Why are you sad? We just won the war!" I sighed "We lost so many Romans ans Greeks alike, not saying that I wished Octavian was still alive but..." "Everyone knew it was a risk they has to take, but to be truly honest," he said chuckling "no one minded Octavian's, how do I put it? Unfortunate accident." "Well I suppose so!" I laughed 

"Thanks Nico." "For what?" "Making me feel better like always" I smiled "all good" he replied blushing and looking away. "Nico." "Yes?" "Are you actually blushing?" "No!" He squeaked blushing even more and hiding his face. "umm I have to go" he said getting up quickly "I have to do, um, stuff" He said walking quickly down the hill.

 I smiled as he tripped up, turned around turned even more red and ran the rest of the way down and out if sight. I didn't know how I felt about Nico anymore there was something different between us I felt is when we hugged, a sort of urge. It was confusing. I got up and headed down the hill towards Piper and Jason. I overheard them talking about Octavian's 'unfortunate' death. 

"Do you think Reyna is upset about his death?" Piper asked Jason. Jason opened his mouth about to speak when he noticed Reyna listening in to their conversation. "Why don't you ask her yourself?" He said nodding towards me. Piper smiled and said warmly "Reyna! I didn't see you there, so how do you feel about his death?" "Honestly I am not upset at all. I think he deserved what he got and the way he acted he wasn't permitted to call himself a Roman." "Wow. Not to keen on Octavian are we?" Jason smirked "Well you shouldn't be to keen on him either Jason." I retorted "Hey, I wasn't trying to be rude." Jason said putting his hands up in the air "Sorry" I sighed "I have quite a lot of mixed feelings right now, Octavian dying, winning the war, feelings for Ni-" I said quickly stopping myself. "Feelings for who Reyna?" Piper giggled with a mysterious glint in her eyes. I quickly looked away and muttered "I think i'll go, um get some food..." running down the hill knowing completely well that the amphitheater was destroyed.

Ron's POV 

I watched with a heavy heart as Harry knelt down next to Fred, muttered something under his breath and got back up with foggy glasses and tear streaks down his face. "I'm so sorry." He said looking down at his feet. "I should of been there to help him, same with Tonks and Lupin and Col-" "Mate" I said putting a hand on his shoulder "There is nothing you could've done. They willingly fought, they knew the risks involved. Don't blame yourself, please." "Ron's right." whispered Hermione "You did the best you could, and overall you managed to kill Voldermort! That has saved so many lives we can't even imagine what would've happened if you hadn't won." I looked at her with admiration, I was so happy she had kissed me, she was my everything, if it wasn't for her and Harry I am positive I wouldn't be here.

Harry walked over to Ginny and gave her a long hug while she cried into his shoulder, I could hear him saying things like "shhh" and "It's ok, we are safe now." He is such an amazing boyfriend I hope I can be the same to Hermione. Then it hit me. We had kissed but I didn't even ask her to be my girlfriend! I mean most people go on a few dates first but we had known each other for so long i'm sure it would be an ok thing to do. I was standing there rubbing my chin thinking about the most romantic way I could ask her to be my girlfriend when someone rudely interrupted my thoughts by saying "Ron?" I snapped "What?" that's when I realized the mistake I had made. I saw Hermione looking up at me looking upset. "I was trying to talk to you!" "Well sorry for ignoring you, your highness!" I retorted, then realizing what I said. "Hermi-" "Save your breath." She snarled and ran out the great hall, the doors slamming behind her.

Hey guys! I'm so sorry for not updating her is the new chapter :D

Bye xx

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 01, 2016 ⏰

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