Meet Brittanee

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This be @BAMbooks 

YOU KNOW WHO I IS?! lmao I don't talk like that o.o if i did... well that just wouldn't be normal.. oh wait I just talked like that.. I guess I'm not normal :P hehe 

Sooooo I am a one of a kind fugitive.. and this is my story:

One day I was walking down the street and I saw this ice cream truck... I saw the guy working there and I thought he was really super cute. So my fine self goes up to him and starts trying to flirt and he flirts back!!! yeahhhh I knowww!!! But then when I asked if he would give me free ice cream, he said he couldn't do it!! SO I WENT TO THE MOTHER FLIPPIN BACK AND I STOLE SOME!!! I RAN MY ARSE AWAY FROM THERE BUT NOT BEFORE SMACKING MY LIPS TO THE GUY. 

I have been on the run ever since LOL 

Okay so a little about me?!

~I'm 17 going to be 18 on june 2 so WHAHAHHA about to be legal gentlemen ;) ahahh

~I'm single and I love me some flirts ;) hehe 

~I'm looking for a wattpad hubby... wanna be that someone? ;D

Na let's be serious right now lol 

~I like pugs!! cutest things in the world!

~I'm short... I was genetically gifted with my height of 5' and half an inch thank you very much. lol 

~I wanna travel and go to Paris, Rome, Hawaii, and any other place that is nice... LOL

~I wanna get married on a beach

~I have a wattpad family and I love them to death.. so DON'T MESS WITH THEM OR I WILL HUNT YOU DOWN AND FEED YOU LIMB BY LIMB TO MY PET SHARK. 

~I love watching shows but I don't watch them til Sunday because of everything else in my way.

~I'm home schooled. 

~ I wanna be a photographer

~I wanna be a writer

~I can be a psychologist if I wanted to be. 

~I give people advice and I have had successful stories so you know that I'm good ;D

~I can be slow at times...

~My watty son Kaleb got me addicted to using this face > o.o

~I wanna have a girl for my first born baby o.o but if it turns out a boy then that's cool too :P 

~I love pink and red

~I love movies

~I HATE math. Don't ask me anything about it or talk to me about it because I WONT understand you.

~I drink sparkling water

~I am half white and flip or if you don't know what that is it's Filipino and if you don't know what that is, it's ASIAN. I look white tho xD haha 

~People say I look like Vanessa Hudgens.. but I don't see it xD lol if anything I look like a mix of her and Demi Lovato xD

~I put xD a lot 

~I'm a fun person to talk to... or at least I think I am o.o

~I like deep conversations...

~I got problems that I deal with each day with myself, just like you.

~I end up sleeping late and waking up early

~I like guys with accents.

~I like guys who are musically gifted 

~I like guys in my ethnicity o.o tho if you fudging sexy... then hmu ;) lol xD 

~I like guys with nice hair, eyes, and plump lips (;

LOL there is a lot more to me but just hmu with a message on my account if you wanna get to know more about me!!! I shall end with this song :





okay maybe that sucked o.o 

okay bai~ ( 0.o )/)

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