Britney 2.0

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Disclaimer: Nope still don't own glee.

Waking up was always easy for Blaine. He would hit his alarm off as soon as it rang, jump in the shower, blow dry his curls and then gel them back.

He would eat a healthy breakfast and do any last minute homework that he hadn't been able to finish the night before.

He would grab his bag when he heard a beep of a horn and all but skip out to the car where he could kiss his boyfriend good morning and they would go get coffee before Kurt dropped him off at school.

Even if Kurt had to work they still saw each other in the mornings when Blaine would drag someone from the New Directions to Lima Bean.

Yeah Blaine always loved the mornings because he had something to look forward to.

When his alarm went off Monday morning, Blaine groaned and pulled his pillow over his head. He squeezed his eyes tightly shut and wished that it could be the weekend.

At least it was easier to remember that he wouldn't be seeing Kurt, holding him, or even kissing him that day when he got to sleep in past six o'clock in the morning.

The alarm continued to ring obnoxiously as Blaine grumbled under his breath and slamming his hand down on it five minutes after it started. He pulled himself up and rubbed the sleep from his eyes.

One thing was for sure, senior year was going to be ruff if he didn't want to get up in the mornings.

"Blaine, darling," he heard before his door was opened.

His eyes rested on his mom, who had taken to making sure Blaine was getting up in the mornings since she was spending more time at home.

She saw his defeated face and her smile faded. "Why are you so down this morning? When I check on you, you are usually ready for school already."

Blaine frowned and leaned back against the headboard. "It's just going to take so getting use so that's all." A confused look crossed his mom's face. "Kurt being in New York, I mean."

"Oh sweetie," she immediately scolded, pulling him into a hug, "you know that Kurt would not want you upset or anything about him not being here, so cheer up.

There are still phones and texts and what's that new thing on the computer where you can see each other? It's like a video."

"Skype," he said half-heartedly.

"Yes, there's Skype. It'll be fine. If there's one thing I'm completely sure about is the fact that you and Kurt will get married and give me little grandbabies.

You just have to last a little while apart. You are strong and I know you'll be able to make it, now get up. You need to get ready for school."

When she left Blaine sulked for a bit longer before realizing that he was being ridiculous.

He didn't have time to take a shower, so he just gelled his hair, brushed his teeth, and grabbed a pop tart before heading out to his car.

That was another thing. He hated driving to school.

Kurt had almost always driven him to school the year before, or they would go together in his car. It was just hard.

When he parked in the back parking lot he forced himself to pull out his phone and dial Kurt's number.

He knew that if he wanted to get through the day he had to call Kurt and talk to him for however long he could.

"'ello?" Kurt's sleepy voice breathed into the phone and Blaine knew he woke him up.

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