A Dove Hijacks My Necklace (pt.2)

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"Um yea. So first of all, I'm guessing that the monsters won't hold off much longer now that they have our scent. According to the books, once a demigod realizes he's a demigod, his scent becomes stronger. And um, I'm not sure about me but I'm guessing this necklace gives off a pretty godly aura."
"So then what do we do. I can't fight like the characters do in those books"
"Well we need to find weapons. Celestial bronze or Imperial Gold will work, but there's one more kind of metal Uncle Rick doesn't cover in his books. I actually read about it when I was...well actually, that's not important. What is important is that it's called Cantatus Silver, and I know where we can get some."
He looked at me skeptically, but saw desperation and confusion in his eyes. Honestly, I guess I understood. Figuring out everything you knew about life is wrong in a grand total of five minutes must be hard.
He waited for me to continue.
"Um well at least I think I do. I have this vague memory somewhere in the back of my mind," I tried to concentrate on it but the more I thought about it the more it disappeared from my grasp, "of a stash. It's a bit out of the way though. Actually, it's in Tennessee. You up for a ride?"
I knew it sounded ridiculous, two kids who weren't even fourteen yet going out of state by themselves, no adult supervision, to find dangerous godly weapons to use for defense against mythical beasts on their big quest.
But then again, we just got a quest from a goddess who gave me a necklace and made me hot and clear sighted, so I figured normal stuff just kinda got thrown out the window.
"One problem," he said shakily, " what do we tell our parents?" I thought about it.
"Mine won't care, they won't even be home for two weeks," I spat bitterly.
"Well, mine will care. Especially my stepdad. He'll kill me if I disappear for a few weeks."
"Can't you just make something up?"
"Like what, 'mom, dad, I might not come home for a couple weeks because I was so bad at school they're giving me extremely extended detention?' I don't think so."
I thought about that too.
"In my books, sometimes the parents knew they were with a God, and sometimes they didn't. Did your mom know?"
He shook his head.
"I don't know. It might be safer not to chance it though."
I thought some more, but most of my brain was focused on that Athena probably had never blessed this blasted necklace. I wasn't feeling too wise and smart right about now.
"What if," I said slowly, "you give me your phone and let me talk to your mom." He looked at me like he didn't trust me. Just as well, I didn't trust him.
He handed me his phone with the number dialed.
"Hello, this is Mrs. Laze speaking. How may I help you?" I gulped. I prayed to Aphrodite she blessed this amethyst with more than just knockout looks.
"Hey, this is Tyler's friend, Allie Nyx."
"Oh hello dear, anything I can do for you?"
" Yes actually, um, Tyler is going to be gone for a few weeks. You are okay with this, correct?"
The line went silent. I had poured every emotion into my words, trying to channel all the love I had in my heart in hopes it would turn on some kind of freaky-Aphrodite-convincing-power-thingy.
"I-I am okay with this, as long as I know where he is."
Great. Partial magic.
"Um, my family is going on vacation and we need someone to pet sit our cat. But you see she's um very temperamental, so she needs 24/7 care. We are paying Tyler to stay at our house and care for her."
Mrs. Laze made a struggling gasp, like her emotions and better sense were fighting against each other. I looked down and realized the amethyst had started to glow
pink. A vague outline of a Dove accessorized the front.
"I will be fine with this, yes."
And I probably would have kept up the conversation using my fabulous new power, convincing her to slap herself and other immature Allie-stuff, except right then I saw an unmistakable coat of fur.
My first monster.

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