A Dove Hijacks My Necklace (pt.1)

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After Hecate disappeared, Tyler and I cleared out pretty quick.
"So can I start calling you Sammy now," I joked.
"That's not my name."
"Alison isn't mine either."
"Whatever. Now can someone explain this whole thing to me one more time?" For the first time ever, Tyler was dead serious and I was cracking jokes.
I looked down at my new piece of jewelry and admired how the rock perfected my reflection. Sure I normally had fair skin and chestnut eyes, long wavy auburn hair I never seemed to cut, and thick eyelashes (which I thought were pretty cool) but in my reflection there were no blemishes on my skin and I seemed to glow with a soft power.
"You've looked like that since you put the necklace on," Tyler said, waking me from my thoughts, "It's not just your reflection, you literally started radiating when you put the necklace on. Maybe Aphrodite blessed it with beauty and irresistibility?" I didn't respond. Sure, he was probably right, but I didn't appreciate being called beautiful and irresistible by Tyler Laze. It kinda ruined a good compliment. I mean sure, because of him, I met a goddess that supposedly was leading me to a quest to help me figure out who I am and I got a piece of really sick super powerful jewelry, but that doesn't make up for anything. Does it?
I thought not.
We were walking down Main Street in Boston and random guys kept staring at me. According to the Percy Jackson books, Charmspeaking was also a power of Aphrodite. Someday, if I didn't wake up and realize this was all a dream, I decided I would try this little power and hope it worked. But it dawned on me this was not the time.
I realized I had accepted this all rather easily, while Tyler still seemed to be going insane and muttering under his breath. Deep down, I guess I always knew this world existed. Percy Jackson must've triggered some old memories, maybe altered my dreams....
No Allie. First, deal with Tyler and try and get some answers for your quest. He needs help now, you can dwell on your nightmares after you wake up from this one.

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