The Invitation

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     "Hey, Yui! Yui? Well, since you didn't answer your phone I just wanted to let you know that I'll be sending someone to pick you up and take you to my concert later tonight. Pleeease, please, please, please don't miss it! It's very important that you show up because I have something in store for you. Look, I know things haven't been great lately but I'm going to make up for it tonight. It's something I've been working on and I want your take on it. Okay?...see you soon." Yui begins to have conflicted feelings about going as the voice message ends. 

     "Why does she want me to go? What is it exactly that she has been working on and wanting my opinion on it? She has producers and executives for those kinds of things, why me?" Hypothetical situations were running through her head until she decided to just stop thinking about it and went on with her day. 

     As night approached, she heard the doorbell ring and went to go see who it was. When she opened the door, there was a woman with a pleasant demeanor wearing business-casual attire, glasses and hair tied up in a pony-tail. In the driveway was a black Chrysler with black-tinted windows and a man in the driver's seat. With a concerned and worried feeling, Yui asked, "Hello....can I help you?" The woman asked, "Are you Yui Mizuno?" 

"Yes. I am." 

"Why aren't you dressed up? I was informed that Kikuchi-san had called you ahead of time to prepare yourself for her concert and I was designated to take you there."

"Oh! Um...sorry. Just give me a few minutes and I'll be back."

"Hurry now, time is limited."

     When Yui returned to the front door where the woman was waiting, they left for the arena where Moa's concert was being held that night. "Ah! Before I forget..." The woman reaches inside of her jacket pulls out a card attached to a lanyard. "Here's your backstage pass when we reach the arena." "Oh, thank you." They finally reached their destination after an hour's worth of driving. "Damn Tokyo traffic--we gotta hurry, Yui." As they reach the backdoor of the arena, they can hear the muffled screaming and chanting of the audience as it got gradually louder and louder as they made their way to the side of the stage.

     "Whew, just in time." the woman said with a sense of relief. Yui was then escorted to the side of the stage where a group of Moa's affiliates were standing and watching her perform just a few meters away from them. After a few more songs were performed, Moa stopped to take a breath and talk to the crowd. 

"How's everyone doing do so far--good?" (indiscernible screaming)

     "Okay, good. Before I go, I want to give you guys a little treat. I've been working on this for a while now, and because I also want to thank you for supporting me with your undying love, I'm gonna be performing a single off my upcoming album." The audience cheered and screamed their heads off after the announcement, so much so that Moa had to wait for a good five minutes for things to settle down. "Before I sing this song, I would first like to dedicate this song to a special someone." Suddenly, Yui's head perked and stared at Moa. 

     "Um...I don't know if you're here tonight, it'd be a shame if you're not. I wrote this song for you--for us--because things have been iffy lately and I hope this makes up for it. Some things I regret, especially with how I've treated you over the last nine months and I'm sorry. I just want to drop down and cry but I can't...because I have to keep going...for us. But Moa-niacs....are you ready?" (crowd cheering) "Huh? What was that? Let me try this again (clears throat). I saaaaaaid, 'ARE. YOU. REEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAADDDDDDYYYYYY?????' " (decibel levels over nine-thousand *r.i.p ear drums*)

"Thaaat's what I want. This song is called 'Words Can't Say'."

*music begins to play*


a/n: this chapter was getting long so I gave the song it's own chapter (the next one).

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