April Hester's Profile

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Birthday: 1/07/2000
Sign: Capricorn
Eye color: Red (sometimes blue)
Hair color: Rose
Hobbies: Reading or swimming in the lake in the forest behind the school.
Favorite person: May (for now)
Favorite food: Tuna onigiri

Character traits:

-easy going(bordering on lazy)
-somewhat social
-VERY scary when angry
-enthusiastic about everything
-well connected

Things to know:

-descended from a water sprite and a faerie
-inherited her mother's powers
-almost always has a smile
-overprotective of water habitats
-has high grades
-can't touch iron


-can breath underwater
-is able to fly for short distances
-her hair glows and turns blue in the water(her eyes too)
-healing power

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