Chapter 13: A Friend

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I was right when I said it was going to be a long night. First off, it was a battle, just to plan the rooms. Since there were five of us, and only one wasn't a 'Diary' holder, Akise, we decided the best course of action was to put all us 'Diary' holders in one room.

It was a terrible idea in my opinion, but Akise insisted that we couldn't kill each other when all four of us were together.

Next was who slept with whom. My gosh, that was a long conversation. I almost went insane with how much Tohka and Mina were fighting. Second finally chose for us.

I had to sleep with Tohka, mostly because she was supposed to be my sister. Tohka was happy, Mina was angry, just as I expected.

The night was pretty quiet after that. We all sat around silently. Mina and Tohka glared at each other. I read my book for a while.

Mina and Tohka had fallen asleep, so I decided to start some small talk with Second.

"So, Second, if we're going to be working together, can you at least tell us your name?"

"I have no name." She replied.

"You have to have a name." I said.

"Well, I don't. I'm Second, that's all that matters!" Second yelled.

I lowered my head a bit.

"I see."

She sighed.

"Twelfth, I'm sorry I snapped at you."

"It's fine, I pushed you." I replied.

She gave a friendly smile.

"I just...don't like to remember my past."

I walked over to her.

"They say those who don't remember the past, are destined to repeat it."

She smirked.

"Trying to sound all smart for me, eh?" She joked. "Do you have a thing for me?"

My face got red.

"No, nothing like that! I was just trying to-" I started but was cut off when she grabbed my wrist.

"I'm only kidding." She said. "There's no need to explain yourself."

I sighed.

"You can be nice when you want to."

"Well, I'm nice to my friends." Second stated.

"You consider me a friend?" I asked.

"Of course, you are a good person Twelfth." She answered.

I don't know why, but I felt...happy. I was happy. Second was the first person I had ever made a friend out of on my own. Mina's 'Diary' was the cause of her love towards me. And Tohka saw me as her brother. Second was my first friend.

"Twelfth, you ok?" Second asked. "You seem out of it."

I leaned up to her and put my arms around her. I don't know why I did, but it just I needed to.

"I'm not much of a hugger." Second said.

I quickly let go.

"Sorry, sorry! I don't know what happened."

She chuckled.

"It's ok. I understand how you feel."

"How do you know how I feel?" I asked.

"Because you're my first friend too." She said with a smile.

Suddenly, our window crashed. We looked down at who came through. It was Murumuru!

"Murumuru! What the heck are you doing here?!" I yelled.

Murumuru stood up and brushed herself off.

"Sorry to interrupt your romantic meeting, but we have business to attend to."

"We weren't being romantic!" I argued.

"Whatever, anyhow, you have a huge choice ahead of you, Twelfth." Murumuru stated.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"You have to choose between First, Fourth, and Second." Murumuru answered.

"Yeah, I know that." I replied.

"Well, you need to make this choice fast, because Third and Sixth were just killed by Tenth." Murumuru stated.

"So all who remain are Tenth and Eleventh." I said.

"Exactly, once their dead, you have to choose who you'll win with." She added.

"Twelfth, you don't have to listen to this little Midget!" Second said. "First we have to kill Tenth and Eleventh."

I nodded.

"Deus, they're on their way right now. They plan to kill you, and they're not going to be easy targets." Murumuru stated. "You have about twenty minutes until they arrive."

This was it. We were reaching the end of the game.

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