Chapter 14: Endgame

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I woke Mina and Tohka. We all gathered what weapons we had left and left the hotel. As we hopped into the Ambulance, Tohka spoke up.

"Where are we going, what's going on?"

"We're going to face Tenth and Eleventh." Second answered.

"Why, there's still like four 'Diary' holders left?!" Mina exclaimed.

"Sixth and Third are dead." I stated.

There were a few moments of silence.

Suddenly, a tree fell in the road and we wrecked into it.

"Crap!" Second shouted.

A helicopter flew above us. My 'Diary' went off.

[86] The helicopter makes a turn and begins shooting at us. DEAD END

"DUCK!" I screamed.

We all ducked down as the helicopter shot at us.

"They're freaking shooting us!" Second shouted.

"Tohka, give me a gun!" I demanded.

She handed me a rifle. I leaned out the window and fired at the tail of the helicopter. It caught fire and crashed in front of us, causing a wall of fire.

We all walked out and held our guns out, ready to fire. A man walked from the flames. Half his face was scorched.

My 'Diary' went off.

[87] The man who walks out is merely a soldier hired by Eleventh

"He's just a soldier." I stated.

Second grinned and shot the man through the head.

"What the heck?!" I shouted. "We could've questioned him!"

"He was worthless." Second replied. "Besides, I think I know where Eleventh and Tenth are."

"Where?" I asked.

Second pointed towards a tall building. It was a huge company building.

"Let's go." I said.

We took another vehicle and drove towards the building. When we went inside, no one was there. There was only an empty elevator.

"I guess we need to ride it up." Mina stated.

We stepped inside and waited till we reached the top floor. When it opened, there stood two figures. A man and a woman.

They turned around and looked at us. Tohka's eyes were wide.

"Mom? Dad?" She said.

They were Tohka's parents, my fake parents.

"Hello children." Mom said.

We raised our guns.

"Whoa, no need to be hasty." Dad said. "We want to talk."

Tohka's face was full of fear.

"We have a choice to make." I whispered in her ear.

She was hesitant at first, then she spoke.

"I choose you." She said.

"Mom, Dad, I'm sorry, but we're winning this game." I said as I raised my gun at them.

They pointed guns at us.

"It seems we have a stalemate." Dad stated.

I suddenly heard a click behind us. I turned to see Mina pointing her gun at Second, Second pointing her gun at Tohka.

"What do you think you're doing?!" I yelled.

"Twelfth, I'm winning this with you!" Second replied.

"No, I am!" Mina yelled.

"It seems you have a bit of a problem on your hands." Mom said.

I turned back to them. I had to choose, the way they had their guns aimed, they would hit Tohka. But if I chose to stop Second and Mina, then...Why did this have to happen?!

I pushed Tohka down, kicked the gun out of Second's hand, and fired at Mom and Dad.

Another gunshot was heard. I heard Tohka's blood curdling shriek as a bullet hit her in the shoulder.

When I stood and got a feel for what happened, I saw the scene before me. Tohka lied on the ground, blood pouring from her wound. Dad lay on the ground with a shot through his heart.

Second was holding her hand tightly from the pain of me kicking it.

"You brat!" Mom screamed. "You killed your own father!"

I stood and smirked.

"I'm not your son, I'm a Demi-god."

Mom's face looked shocked.

She suddenly took out a detonator.

"Then we're all going down!" She shrieked as she pushed the button.

Explosions went off around the building. I picked up Tohka and ran towards the elevator.

"Come on, let's go!" I yelled to Mina and Second.

"Deus, make your choice, this is your last chance to do that." Second stated. "Shoot two of us, then take the person you love most."

I looked at Tohka, my sister. Mina, the girl who loved me. Second, my first real friend.

I aimed my gun and made a choice.

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