One tragic moment

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I heard screams coming from my moms room, there was a man outside with a gun shooting and a other man beside him, I heard loud screams, there was a loud bang and the sound of a broken window. The screaming stops.

I decided to go upstairs to check out what had happened.

I slowly opened my mothers door to see if she was okay, but my mother was laying in a pool of blood on the ground, and blood her blood gushing out of her side. As the guy breaks in, I lay on the ground acting as if I were dead. I sneak a peak worried about what I might find in front of me. It was my dad, I heard crying, and then a other bang and the crying stopped.


I remember the day like yesterday when my mom & dad died in a dramatizing accident. I was only 11 when they died, my dad past about 5 minutes after my mom died. My house stood still and a breezy wind from the outside came in from the broken window. I hugged my mom and kissed my dad and stood alone looking at the two dead bodies on the ground.

After I stood for 3 minutes I finally sat down and prayed , "Lord my father in heaven help me with this tragedy that just passed, (I could not take it but to scream and cry, as I asked) why me, why this young?" As I stood up watching the bodies get pale, I dug in my mom's pocket hoping to find her phone, but nothing showed up.

I looked around and found it with blood drops on the front screen, I called 911 saying my mom had been murdered and my dad committed suicide. As the police and ambulance showed up I went down stairs with my shirt covered in blood as if I was the murderer. The police stood back with the gun pointing at me, scared to death I screamed, "somebody help me!!" I ran inside after I screamed. I heard the police chasing after me, they finaly caught me before I could reach my parents. They dragged me outside and asked me questions. When I saw the two dead bodies pass by me, my eyes teared up, I could not take the pain inside of me.

I felt like it was my fault, if only I didn't let my dad get drunk at that bar. The police asked if I had any family members, I told them my parents were both the only children also both of my mom's & dad's parents passed away. The police took me to the back of the cop car. I felt like a prisoner. I cried the whole trip to the police department. I saw a bad car crash happen with a guy flying out the window and landing to his death, it reminded me of my mom and my dads death, I cried louder. As it reminded me of when I was just standing there doing nothing but watching them leave.

I remembered leaving something of mine on my moms and dads body as I ran downstairs to the police and the ambulance. I never understood why people had to die, the police officer finally arrived at the police department. I sat at the police officers desk as the investigators came in and said if my dad ever carried a gun, in my head I heard the bangs from that night, I answered yes and cried. It was all to fast to stick around and watch.

The officer gave me water; some of the water leaked.It felt as if I was to weak to even hold it. I looked around the walls, grayer than white, I also saw the officers family pictures surrounding his desk I wish I was them, they looked like a sweet & happy family. I could not help it but cry thinking about what they're going to do with me the police officer told me we are going to the orphanage. As I walked to the officers car a sound of a gunshot was in my head playing over and over like a broken CD. I thought I have nothing to live for when I got to the orphanage I found a rope on the stairs outside I took it with me. The persons at the front of the orphanage took me to my room I hid the rope from Katy that was the front office lady's name.

As I walked around I found a spot to place the rope I took a chair from the corner and put it where I wanted it to be, so I took the rope and hanged it, I made a circle for my head and jumped for it. It took me a moment to process it, that I actually committed suicide. It turns out the rope was to long, so I made it shorter I was about to jump as the lady from downstairs came in and screamed she took me to a abandoned room with a knife. Thinking this is it, my time has come but it turned out Katy brought the knife because she noticed I had a piece of the rope with me.

I heard my name "Gabriela Gabriela" Being yelled, "I'm In here". As I was crying it was the manager Mrs.Era as the loud footsteps got closer and closer, I felt like if I was in a scary movie. Mrs.Era opened the door slowly, the door made a nasty sound when it was moving, Mrs.Era found out I wanted to commit suicide, and she rushed me to the hospital. Seeing the streets fly by and the emergency lights turned on I was afraid of what the hospital will tell me what I have to do. When we arrived I saw a woman falling on the ground and rushed to a room it's like today is one of the days there are the most amount of deaths.

I still have the image of mom & dad on the ground I try to get it out but it didn't seem possible. I wish my time was already here I though to myself, but I still have life to live and I don't want to waste it.

3 hours pass by and they finally call my name as I'm walking I see a little kid with his face half burned and I realized they are the ones suffering more than me. I think to myself why is life so hard to live?

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