Chapter 4

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Mabel's POV

I woke up to see Y/n's and Bill's sleeping bags empty.

"Hey, Dipper!" I whispered, well shouted.

"Wha?" He said, getting up.

I pointed to the sleeping bags.

His eyes widened, and he rose quietly from his bed and tip-toed to the door. I did the same, and we went down the stairs, to see the TV on, Bill and Y/n fast asleep on Stan's couch.

Bill had his arm around Y/n, a smile on his face. Y/n had her head on his shoulder, and her arms around Bill's waist, a smile plastered on her face.

They were covered in a blanket, and the remote was next to Bill's hands.

I smiled widely, and Dipper held back a laugh. I took out my camera, and took a picture of them.

"SCRAPBOOKERTOONITY!" I yelled, causing the two to jump up a bit.

They saw the position they were in, and moved back from each other, a tinge of pink dusting their cheeks.

I squealed. "You guys looked so cute together! Look!" I exclaimed, taking the picture from the camera and showing them.

They turned red and looked everywhere except each other.

"Shooting Star, why did you take that picture?" Y/n asked.

I was about to answer when I realized what she called me. "Why did you just call me 'Shooting Star'? I asked, confused.

Her eyes widened. "Sorry. I didn't realize that I called you that." She mumbled.

"It's ok, but I did it to remember the the summer I've spent here." I said.

"But did you have to take one of us?" Bill asked, annoyed.

"Yes!" I exclaimed, while Dipper started laughing hysterically.

Bill glared at him. "Oh, this is hilarious! Bill likes Y/n!" He yelled, between laughs.

Stan came running down the stairs.

"I've been awoken by the sound of laughter! Now show me the object of ridicule!" He asked.

"Bill!" Dipper answered, rolling on the floor.

Stan started to laugh to.

"I only like her as an acquaintance!" Bill yelled, his yellow suit turning red.

"Yeah, sure." Stan said, between laughs.

Y/n scoffed. "Like you two would know about love. If I'm right, and I am, the old man right there lost a girl of his dreams, (Karla McCorquil) and Dipper hasn't had any luck with Wendy, as if he had a chance." Y/n said, crossing her arms.

They both turned red. "How do you know about Karla?" Stan said.

"How do you know about Wendy?" Dipper asked.

"I have my ways," she said, looking pleased with herself.

Bill kept staring at her. 

 Ford walked in the room. 

"What's with all the shocked expressions?" He asked, looking at us.

"She knows about Wendy!" Dipper said, pointing at Y/n.

"And Karla!" Stan added.

"Hey, it's rude to point!" Y/n exclaimed, putting her hands on her hips.

Dipper grabbed Stan and me by the hands, and brought us to the kitchen, Ford following behind.

"How does she know this?!" Dipper whispered/yelled.

We all shrugged.

"Unless," I started.

"She's," Stan said, following my thought.

"A," A flustered Dipper said.

"Demon." Ford finished.

We all looked at each other.

Could Y/n be a demon?

A/n: Hey guys! I wanted to give you a quick update. I've been really busy lately, from visiting my school to learning how to open my locker, it's all really boring. So I thought I would take a brake of the boring stuff and do something fun: update! I hope you guys like the chapter, it's short but it's still something.


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