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Skylar's heart sank as they drove up to the farmhouse. The wooden fence on either side of the road was broken in places, looking like gaps of missing teeth. Several items of farm equipment lay rusting in the yard, dropped haphazardly like broken toys.
They sat in the car for a few minutes, looking with dismay at the dilapidated house. "I hate doing this," skylar whispered, although there was no one around to hear them. "I'm sorry I got trapped into it."
"You and me both, kid."
"I've never paid a condolence call before," she said.
Skylar looked around. She felt....scared and unprepared, like evil demons were trying to claw their towards my heart.
"We are here my love." Daniel said with a grin.
"If you call me that again I swear I will crush you into the ground." He shrugged and opened the door. Skylar did the same. They started treading up the hill.
"Hey babe will you date me I mean come on who wants to date a hunk of junk that plays football."
Skylar's face went red with anger. She turned to him
Daniel looked down and sighed.
When they reached the top they were both gasping for air. Skylar stomped up to the old barn. This is getting ridiculous. She knocked on the door. No answer. "Hello?" Again no answer. Skylar pushed open the door, and gasped at what she saw.
Lily was five feet of the ground! Her head was down and her dirty blond hair stuck out everywhere. Lily looked more like a ghost than a human. If that's what she is. Lily looked up and saw me. She screamed and fell to the ground. She was in a huddle crying. She looked up again and then she ran out the back door. Skylar ran towards the back door, only to see Daniel several feet ahead of her. Daniel ran into the forest. Skylar close at his heals. Daniel ducked under a log. It was to high to jump and to small for her to fit through. Only Daniel could manage that. Skylar Sat down on a tree stump and thought of what she saw. Lily was hovering, no strings no platform. Nothing. Skylar shook her head, it was just not possible. Skylar heard Daniel's voice. It always echoes unusually. She heard him say.
"Come on its okay no one's gonna hurt ya."
Then Lily's all to perfect voice echoed to skylar's ears.
"You don't understand, they killed my father. He was murdered." Lily's voice cracked into a squeak when she said murdered.
"Listen kid your father killed himself." Daniel said.
"KID YOU CALL ME A KID I'M THE SAME AGE AS YOU AND I'M WAY SURE I'MTALLER THAN YOU AND I'M PRETTY SURE I KNOW A LOT MORE ABOUT WHAT HAPPENED THAN YOU." Lily screamed. Skylar heard someone stomping through the woods back to where she was.
"Wait Lily I'm sorry." Daniel called, but Lily wasn't listening. She stormed past Skylar. Leaving her feeling clueless. Daniel then ran past Skylar with a desperate look on his face. That left Skylar feeling dumbfounded. She ran to catch up with Daniel. For such small legs he could really move. Then he stopped. Skylar crashed into him. She looked where Daniel was looking. There was Lily with a knife in her hand. She plunged it into her arm. She didn't even wince. Then she pulled it out. Blue blood dripped down her arm and down to her elbow and then hands. Before Skylar knew it, the blood stopped and everything was as good as new. No cut nothing. Not even a scar. Lily threw the knife down, with tears on her face. "That's how I know he didn't kill himself." She said smoothly, and then she ran off into the unending woods......

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