No More Tacos For You Ray....

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Ray:Hello taco bell

TBP(taco bell person):Yes ray ray what do you want

Ray:i would like 5 cool ranch doritos locos tacos,5-(gco)

TBP:No Hell to the muthafuckin' no remeber last time..... You order almost everything off the god damn menu and we almost got sued so hell to the no!!

Ray:nigga who you think you talkin' to I will come up in there and bus' a cap in errybody ass if I have to

TBP:i wish yo' repunzel lookin ass would I wish you would

Ray:you know what fuck you and yo' damn tacos I can make my own *hangs up* anybody know how to make tacos

Craig&Courtney:*look at eachother* KRISTEN AND CHRES

Kristen&Chres: *heads pop out of the same room*

Court: what in the living hell

Kristen:*looks back at chres* dont worry 'bout it but what do you want

Court:*points to Ray*

Kristen:*looks him up and down* what repunzel

Ray:aye now look here-(gco)

Kristen:speak now or forever hold your peace

Ray: ok alright can you make me some tacos

Kristen:why didnt you just call taco bell

Craig:he did that didnt turn out right

Kristen:ugh give me the god damn phone *grabs phone* hello taco bell

TBP: Ray Ray for the-(gco)

Kristen:no bitch this aint ray but I know one thing you better bring me 12 of everything off of that god damn menu before I come bust a cap in yo ass and unlike ray I will actually do you know who my daddy is bitch


Kristen:speak when spoken to bitch


Kristen:Barack obama bitch now bring me my god damn tacos

TBP:Y-y-yes ma'am they will be ther in 10 to 15 mintues..

Kristen:thank you *hangs up and starts to walks away* my work here is done

Chres&Craig&Court&Ray:*mouths open*

Kristen:Chresanto Lorenzo Romelo August close yo mouth before a fly fly in there and choke you and get yo hairy ass legs in here

Chres:Yes ma'am *runs to room*

Craig&Court&Ray:Damnnnnnnnnnnnn *friday voice*


im done for tonight....

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