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how it started...

"Let's go," the words rolled off his tongue with such convincing ease, that I automatically began to follow the path he drew between the people surrounding us.

As he was taller than me, and people took him more seriously, he got way ahead, leaving me lost and far behind until finally he stopped, waiting for me to meet him and he took my hand, intertwining our fingers. My eyes examined our hands; his skin was evidently lighter than mine, but only by a little. His long fingers winded through mine, and it was strangely comfortable.

"Speed up, and stay close. Got it?" he yelled over the music.

I nodded before he tugged my arm in the opposite direction. He pulled me into an empty room, quickly swiping up an unseen item before shoving it away into his pocket. He then brought me next door, to the bathroom, releasing my hand as he knelt down, rifling through the bottom cabinet.

"Um, I know you're... doing your thing and all, but when exactly will the 'fun begin?'"

His eyes shot up to mine as he stood, a plastic bag in hand. "In just a second, babe. Come on,"

"Babe?" I asked, just blurting the single syllable.

Jack turned back to me, a smirk playing upon his face. "Get used to it,"

Chills began swimming throughout my body at his voice, his sweet, refreshing voice.

He took hold of my hand once again, the bag in the other as he lead me out of the house, where we stood in front of a silver Mustang.

"Is this your car?" My fingers traced over the smooth hood of the vehicle.

"Nope. This is Jack Gilinsky's car. And these," he said, giving me vision of the bag's contents,"Are condoms. And this is duct tape."

"Are you going to vandalize his car? Because if you are, I wouldn't call this fun."

"No, Ellegra. It's not vandalizing, it's... lets just call it... gently garnishing it. And It's not gonna be just me, you're gonna help."

"Um... why would I just want to 'gently garnish' a random guy's car?"

"My god, you're a curious one. Jack Gilinsky isn't some random guy, he's someone I know. He owed a friend thirty-six bucks in drug money by last week, and he didn't pay it. So just consider it me helping out a friend, and establishing revenge. That sound good?"

"What are we gonna do to it, anyway?"

"Blow up the condoms like balloons and tape them all over his vehicle. It's only the oldest trick in the book, catch up." Jack said as he tore a piece of tape between his teeth.

He reach into the bag an opened up a condom package, unraveling it and putting his lips to the opening, blowing air into it and closing it between his fingers, taping it to the top of his car.

"Well, don't just stand there, get to work." he demanded in a half whisper.

"Won't the duct tape ruin the paint? A-and if he find out it was us, can't he turn us in?"

"Oh trust me, he won't. Besides, he deserves this, he's a douche. Anyway, if he were to turn us in, he'd basically be turning himself in. This is because lack of drug money, Ellegra. Remember?"

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 02, 2015 ⏰

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