chapter six- the un fortunable letter

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******Spencer's POV*******

dear Spencer,

if you love makayla so much then what r u doing with me I love you... but you love her.... so you can do what ever you want to do... I cant do this you need to choose one of us I'm so sorry... but until u figure out who u want don't talk to Me.

love maddie</3

after reading maddies letter I was kinda lost. and no not lost like lost lost but like lost in life. She was right I did love makayla but maddie was special to me we had grown up together. she knew everything about me an I knew everything about her. was I suppose to choose maddie or was it makayla????

When maddie can't make up her mind she drives her truck so I figured I should give it a shot. it did help me make up my mind as I was driving I saw maddie sitting in the coffee shop working on her laptop doing something but than I saw makayla... maddie was right I do love makayla and sadly I had to tell maddie I pulled I to the coffee shop and maddie walked outside. before I could say anything she walked up to me kissed me on the cheek and said if you love someone let them go if they love you back they will come back to you saying nothing more she put a small price of paper in my hand that read

" Spencer go to makayla tell her that you love her and be happy"

Maddie drove off and I did too..

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