day 1

10 1 0

The blinding light hits my eyes as I wake up with what feels like the worst hangover ever.

My head is banging and I have absolutely no memory of what happened last night. Everything was just a blur.

I reach on to my bedside table and touch the home button, unlocking it. I pick it up to find 3 texts from Emily. I roll my eyes and open the messages.

From: Emily, 9:12am- Luke I hope you're ready for today. I have everything planned out ready.

I furrow my eyebrows, with no clue at all what she's talking about. Shrugging, I continue reading the other messages.

From: Emily,9:23am- Luke?

From: Emily, 9:27am- Just text me when you're awake urgh

I start typing back as my hands numb from holding my phone so tightly.

To: Emily, 10:54am- I'm up, I'm up. What do u want?

I lock my phone, placing it back down on the light brown surface. I reach down and move the covers off of me, revealing my black skinny jeans and my converse, clearly left on since last night.

I must have been drunk because I can never fall asleep with my jeans or shoes on. I place my hand on my bare chest and sigh.

My eyes begin getting heavy again until I hear the awful vibration of my phone on my table.

I sit up and touch the home button once again, opening the text message.

From: Emily, 10:58am- Just get ready and go over to Michael Clifford's house and apologise for last night. Then ask if you can talk to Evelyn, who incase you forgot, is his sister. Just apologise to her for last night too and then leave. Do not say anything else otherwise you will put the rest of the plan out of shape. Good luck Luke, text me when you've done it. Oh, and it needs to be done by 12pm because they have a family meal okay?

I stare at the paragraph with wide eyes and throw my legs across the edge of my bed.

Stretching, I stand up and walk towards my wardrobe and pull out a fresh pair of black jeans and a navy shirt.

My digital clock read 11:09 which meant I only had about 50 minutes to apologise to Michael and Evelyn.

I put on my black vans and run outside to my car. Speeding down the street, it wasn't long until I got to Michael house.

It wasn't a big house and it also wasn't small but it was nice. It was bigger than mine and it looked more like a house than a home. It was always clean and tidy. It looked like nobody lived there.

I look at the time once again, which was 11:14, and climbed out of my black ford focus and slammed the door shut, before locking it.

I turned around and look at the house, as I take a deep breath.

Slowly, I approach the door, still with no idea what I'm apologising for.

I pressed the doorbell, while I waiting I pulled out my phone.

To: Emily, 11:17am- I'm here, I'm just apologising to both of them, then leaving.

Three minutes, and five doorbell rings later, Michael finally decides to open his door.

"What do you want?" He looked at me with disgust.

"I came to apologise, I shouldn't have done what I did last night, I'm sorry." I look at him dead in the eye.

"Whatever man, just don't do it again, not to my sister anyway." He laughed, pulling me in for an awkward hug.

As we were in this abundance of awkwardness, I started thinking about what I could have done to his sister. Would it be a bad idea to ask if I could talk to her?

I've got to. For Emily. Whatever reason it is, it's got to be done.

"Hey Michael?" I finally mumble. He looks at me with a smile plastered across his face, nodding.

"Uhm, do you mind if I just talk to your sister?" The smile so faded and he looked pissed at me.

"Why do you want to talk to my sister?" He spat.

"I uhm, just need to apologise for uhm, what happened last night." I could feel myself sweating and my blood rushing to my head.

He frowned once again at me and turned around, calling Evelyn. She came skipping down the stairs in leggings and a white shirt with a pattern on the pocket.

The way her hair fell was perfect, and her eyes were a gorgeous shade of brown. Whatever I did, I was either doing the best thing that could have ever happened or the worst.
She looked at me and a small smile crept up on her face.

She walked towards me and stepped outside, closing the door behind her and smiled at me.

"Hey, Luke!" She was so energetic and friendly, but I don't even understand how. Because she was definitely drinking last night because everyone drank, yet she hasn't got a bad hangover like me?

"Hey Evelyn, uhm, I just wanted to apologise, you know, for last night." I scratched the back of my head and looked down at the ground.

She giggled and my eyes shot up to look at her. I stared in confusion at why she was laughing.

"You're apologising for taking a body shot on me?" She laughed again and suddenly, it all came rushing back to me.

I remember everything. From the body shot, to what I agreed to do for Emily. I remembered why I did the body shot.

"It was Michael that dared me to do it. I wasn't planning on doing it. I'm so sorry." Her eyes widened and her head turned to the side slightly.

"My own brother dared you to talk a body shot on me?" I nodded and closed my eyes with shame.

"He's the one who tried to stop you!"

I stood there with a blank expression on my face for what felt like forever. Nobody said a word as embarrassment possessed my body.

"Uhm, Luke? Ive got to go, I'm sorry." I slowly blinked and looked up at her.

I could feel tears threatening to spill, but I held them back, not wanting to cause any more embarrassment of myself.

Evelyn began to turn around to go back in the door when I grabbed her arm and stopped her. "No wait, I can explain!" She shook herself out of my grasp and turned her head.

"You have nothing to explain Luke. It's Michael that has a fair amount of explaining to do. You should get yourself home. I'll see you around yeah?" She gave me a small, reassuring smile before going back into her house and closing the door.

I still couldn't move. I stood there for even longer, making a total fool out of myself.

When I was finally back in reality, I turned and slowly walked back to my car.

I opened the door and slumped down on the cold seat. I stared at the steering wheel for a good minute before takin out my phone and texting Emily.

To: Emily, 11:57am- I did it. Why didn't you tell me what I did? It would have made everything so much easier instead of me finding out from Evelyn.

I locked my phone and threw it on the seat next to me. Putting on my seatbelt, I started the engine and began driving away.

For some reason, I didn't go home. I drove straight past my house and went wherever my car took me.

Finally, I stopped driving, and out of nowhere, I burst out in tears. This was messed up. I'm not going to be able to carry this on.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 31, 2015 ⏰

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