Decisions, decisions!

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Owen and Amelia make it home after the doctors appointment.
Owen is once again sleeping at Meredith and Derek's with Amelia.
Owen is online looking at houses, and Amelia is deciding on baby names

"What do you think of Peyton?"
"For the boy?"
"Never mind I don't like that name. What about Hayden?"
"I like it!"
"It still doesn't seem perfect"
"This house looks nice! it has a big back yard, tree rooms are plus the master"
"I like it!"

They both look closer at the pictures of the house and they love it
They put in an offer and go back to finding names for the twins

"What about Ian?"
"I love it! Where did that come from?" Amelia asks
"It's my dad's name"
"It's perfect looks like it's little Ian. Now we just need one for you little girl"
"Well I have a couple?"
"Let's hear them"
"Not really feeling it"
"What about Olivia?"
"I kinda like it. Emma!"

Owen said it with this confidence in his voice like that spouse to be his little girls name.

"I love it!"

Owen leans into Amelia's belly to talk to the twins

"Hi, Ian and Emma, I'm your father, and I can't wait to meet you guys.

Chapter eight is on the way!

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