Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

We enter music and take a seat. I looked around ans say intrements, I loved this room already.

"do you know how to play guitar?" he asks me while getting up.

"oh.. uhm... no but i know how to play piano" i say to him as we walks to the guitars.

"oh, okay.. well you should learn" he says coming back with the guitar and sits.

"yea maybe i will during this semester" i say.. he starts playing around and starts a song. I was amazed by his skills, i look at him playing he looks so into it.

"can you sing?" i ask him he stops and hesitates.

"uhm, well i do sing but i can't... well i think i can't my mom says im good.." he stops for a second "but Harry can sing" he says silently

"sing for me?" i ask him.. he thinked about it.

"fine only for you.." he huffed but smiled at me and he started holding chords and strumming.

-Zachs POV-

"sing for me" she asks me.. i thought about it.

"fine only for you.." i huffed. i started playing 'she will be loved' by Maroon 5 and started singing.

Beauty queen of only eighteen, she had some trouble with her self

He was always there to help her, she always belonged to someone else

I drove for miles and miles and wound up ar your door.

I've had you so many times but somehow I want more.

I looked up at her she was smiling at me, i look in her eyes... and i look back down.

i dont mind mind spending everyday, out in your corner in the pouring rain.

Look for the girl with the broken smile, ask her if she wants to stay awhile.

- Harry's POV-

I was walking to Music since lunch would be over in another ten minutes. i was getting closer and i heard someone singing, i slowed down trying to figure the voice out it was Zach's. i slowly look around the corner into the class room i see Mia sitting there. he continued to sing, I just watched him and her... he was getting into the song. as he enters the second chorus i hear Jessica's laugh I quickly look over to her and i entered the class room. i cleared my throat, and he stopped singing and Mia looked back than looked away with annoyance.

-back to Mia's POV-

i heard someone clear their throat and Zack quickly stopped playing i turn around to see Harry. ugh why is he so horrible? i looked back to Zach he saw the annoyance in my eyes and smiled. he got up and put the guitar back. i heard a girl talking to Harry i turn around curiuosly and saw Jessica there with her three friends.

"ugh" i groaned out loud. as she turned her gaze from Harry to me she looked abit happy than she gave me a dirty look. which i ignored, I turned around to see Zach taking his seat again.

"your a good" i say honestly and smiling he blushed and smiled.

"thank you.. but i dont think i am" he says shyly. I smile than the school bell rang. you could hear people getting to there classes.

"well i think you are" i state simply. students came in and took their seats, there wasnt much probably just less than fifteen. the teacher walks in and greets us. half of class was good Jessica kept glancing my way once again. she is so annoying.

"okay, so Mia, can you play any instruments?" she asks me, as most of the students look at my way.

"ermm, yeah i can play the piano" i say leaving out the singing part since i do horrible.

"okay.. since we got through the outline and were going to do groups" she says.

she puts students in groups. she called out Zach's name and put him in a different group.

"Jessica, Harry, Mia, Josh and Micheal" she calls out our names i meantly hitted myself. she made other groups sing for lead and back up and the others play different intruments, she finally reached our group.

"okay Jessica you sing first" she instructed. She got up and sang a song from Taylor Swift, abit off pitch.. well not that good.. but she can abit sing.

"Harry your next" she said to Harry, i never heard Harry sing yet so i was eager to hear him. he started to sing a song stop crying your heart out by the oasis, he was good i nearly dropped my jaw but i stopped myself. i was amazed by the way he sang. the teacher looked pleased.

"okay Mia your next up" she says to me.. oh gosh.. i never sang infront of people other than my family.

"okay.. but may i use the piano?" i ask silently, i heard Jessica snort.

"yes it right over there" she points in the end of the song. i sat down and looked up the whole class starring at me, except Jessica she was just looking at her finger nails. i look at Harry he was starring but looked away quickly. i just took a deep breath in and started singing Wanted by Hunter Hayes. i finished after the first chorus. i looked up and saw people looking with there jaws abit dropped i looked over to Jessica she was glaring at me probably killing me, i looked at Harry he was just staring. i got up and went back to my seat.

"that was good, now Micheal you sing" says the teacher. micheal got up and started to sing, his voice wasnt so good. abit scratchy.

"okay, Josh your turn" she says. Josh sang. he wasnt so good too but good enough.

She made me and Harry lead singers, Josh and Jessica back up. Jessica was just starring me down which was completely uncomfortable. we went on about which genre we'd be, I just agreed to everything. the school bell ringed. I quickly got up and left not wanting to meet Jessica. Zach finally catched up and we walked to last period.

Last period was good no Jessica but only Harry, i said my goodbyes to Zach and made my way home. i put my earphones in and picked my song. I turned a corner that i saw a car turn the corner it was Jessica and her friends.

"hey loser" she says. ha! nice one... so old.

"hmm, what are we? eight years old again?" i say laughing at the end as her face turns angry.

"no, but i know what i have you dont!" she smirked "parents" she finished evily. i didnt answer i just put my head down holding the tears back. she laughs as she sped up. i groaned and i blast my music up. once i got home i took my keys out and ran up stairs and cried myself to sleep.

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