~Coming home~

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   I drove for two days straight, never slowing down and not stopping for anything other then gas and the occasional red bull to keep me going. I couldn't wait to get home, I was tired beyond belief but wanted nothing more then to see her. It had been two years since I last saw her. Two years since I saw her gorgeous smile or heard her melodic laughter. I felt my lower half twitch at the mention of her. I pressed down on the gas, feeling restless. I wanted to be there now. I looked out of my passenger window just in time to read the Welcome to Greenwood Lake sign. Finally, I was home.

I pulled into the driveway of the victorian style house that I grew up in. It still looked the same. The windows were open, letting in the spring breeze and the flowers were in full bloom. Courtesy to my step mother Karen, I'm sure. I grabbed my duffel bag and slung it over my shoulder as I exited my car. I walked up the old steps of the front porch and smiled when the familiar creak reached my ears. So many memories of sneaking out at night and getting caught in the morning started right here, with a creaky step. Shaking my head at my rebellious teenage self I walked the rest of the way and paused. This was it. The moment I had been thinking of and waiting for, for two years. I let out a shaky breath before raising my fist and giving three loud knocks. It took a moment before I heard footsteps nearing the door. I held my breath just as the door was thrown open.

"JAMIE!" My father, David's, loud laughter filled the foyer as he hauled me into his arms, squeezing me the way he used to when I was a kid.

"Dad." I gasped, patting his shoulder in an attempt to get him to release me.

"Oh, sorry." he laughed placing me on my feet "I just missed you is all." I took the moment to look him over. His once dark brown hair had streaks of gray and the laugh lines on his cheeks were more profound. My father looked happy but...older.

I tried not to show my disappointment as I said "I missed you too dad." I had been hoping to see her.

"Well, come in! Come in!" He ushered me inside the house and I took the time to look around. There were a few new decorations around the house, definitely Karens doing, but all in all it still looked the same. It looked like home.

"David, who was that honey?" Speak of the devil. Karens sweet voice drifted into the living room.

"Why don't you come and see." My father called back to her. He grinned at me and we both turned when she entered the living room, furiously wiping her hands on her apron.

"I swear that's the last time I make pecan pie, so messy-" The plush blonde haired woman looked up then and finally took notice of me. "James! Oh honey!" She wrapped her arms around my neck and pulled me down to her level, hugging me with all of her 5'5 size. I chuckled and wrapped my arms around her waist. She smelled like pie. Karen always treated me like her own, I liked that about her. "What are you doing here?! I thought you were coming tomorrow?" she asked.

"I was but I wanted to surprise you all so...I drove down."

She narrowed her eyes at me "You drove all the way here from New york? You must be exhausted. Honey, grab his bags lets get you settled into your old room." she placed her arm in mine and dragged me upstairs before I could protest.

"Yes dear." I heard my father mumble under his breath as he grabbed my not so light duffle bag and trudged upstairs with it.

I cleared my throat when we passed her room. "Um, where's Abby?" I hadn't seen my sweet little angel and I was getting antsy.

"Oh, she's at school. Today was the last day of school before spring break. I told her she could stay home but you know how stubborn she can be." Karen said rolling her eyes. Abby was strong headed especially when it came to school. In every memory I had of her she was always studying or found with her nose stuck in a book.

"Yea, I do." I smiled.

"Here you go." Karen said as we stepped into my old bedroom. "We kept it exactly the same, for when you came back."

"Thank you." I said, looking around my old room. My bedspread was a simple grey color and the furniture in my room was sparse. I never liked clutter. My bed was full sized and pushed against the wall in the middle of my room with two small bedside tables, and my old desk was in the far corner of my room.

My father placed my duffle bag on my bed with a huff and slapped me on the back "We'll let you get settled in."

I waited until the door was shut and sat on the edge of my bed. I ran a hand through my slightly long hair and tugged at it. God! I wanted to see her. I missed her smell, her touch. I had to remind myself that in just a few short hours I would see her. "Just a few more hours," I whispered to myself "...a few more hours."

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