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This is a question for your dancer problems story. A: I can't seem to get the hang of spotting B: I'm having trouble with landing acro tricks because acro gives me a headache. C: I see all these girls who are great dancers, I'm not very confident. If you could give me advice it would be life changing

Sent in by Potterhead109

A: I have trouble with spotting too. This is how I work on it. Practice turning really slowly while keeping your eyes fixated on an object in the distance. Put your hands on your shoulders. Then begin slowly turning to the right while keeping your eyes fixated on the object your spotting as long as possible.  When you can't turn anymore Whip your head around as quick as you can back to your spot. Once your eyes are looking at your spot, turn the rest of your body back to your starting position. Remember, your eyes are leading the rest of your body.

B: A big cause to the headaches is holding your breath. When your putting strain on your back and neck muscles, most people tend to hold their breath. Make sure you breath while doing you acro tricks.

C: I'm pretty sure all dancers struggle with confidence. And if you don't, good for you. Sure, there will always be someone better than you, and there will always be someone better than them. You shouldn't bring yourself down over them. Dance isn't about being the best, it's about having fun and doing what you love.

I hope this helps ~ Curly_haired_geek

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