Chapter 3

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"Now, go take a shower and come back here. Help me preparing the dinner." My omma said to me. "No need to cook, omma. Look this." I gave her all the plastic bag in my grip. The food that I bought from the money that I was blackmailing.

"Wait, Hyemin. This is so much! H-how did you got these foods?" She frowned. Urgh, congrats Hyemin. How did you forgot to think that your mother will asks about this?! -,-

Daebak. How to answer this? -,-


"--you what?" My appa grabbed his waist while staring at me. His reactions seems like did not believe me. Gosh, he's the scariest when asking me a lot of questions!

"Ah, m-my friends, they gave these to m-me. H-hehehe." I smiled nervously while rubbing my nape.

"Really? Why are they gave it to you? Are you sure that you aren't lying me?"


Actually, no.

I'm lied.

Mianhae again, appa. I'm lied.

I'm stealing and I'm lied.

I really am sorry but I really need to. This is for our family sake.

"Why are you keep asking her the same questions? She won't lying us. She's my daughter, I know my daughter won't cheating at her own parents, am I right, Hyemin?" My omma interrupted us. I don't know what to do so I just nodded hesitantly. Urgh, stupid head. Why are you nodded?

Huh. I'm such a bad daughter.

"Yes appa! I also got these candies from my friends! But Hyemin noona and I do not steal! Hurray~ we both are lucky!" Yoogeun said happily thus he hugged me. No, Yoogeun. It's you. Only you. I'm not a lucky person.

I'm just a thief.

A thief and a cheater.


Thank you for helping me, Yoogeun. Even though you didn't even know anything.

"Do you want some?" He stared me with his puppy eyes. "Ah, it's okay. I'm not hungry. Thanks." I rubbed his hair. Then, I grabbed my school bag and I walked upstairs towards my room.

"Omma! Hyemin noona doesn't want to eat my candies!" Yoogeun pretended to cry while pelleting my mother's apron. "Hyemin." My mother gazed me and mouthed 'play with him'.

Durgh, this kid-,- sometimes he's really annoy me.

"Durgh, fine." I sighed thus I walked downstairs. I grabbed it from his hand and I glared him. "Do you satisfied now?" I said and he smiled.

Then, I walked back to upstairs. I open the door of my room and I threw my bag on the bed.

I put those candies that Yoogeun gave to me on my desk, not interesting to eat it. I hate candy. Candy is not my style. Swaeg.

"Huh, what can I do with these money?" I said to myself and I sighed.

"No. I need to use these money to take revenge on him!" I patted my desk angrily and remember what that Kim Taehyung had done to me.

Great. Tomorrow is Saturday.

"Muahahaahahhahhaa! Yes yes! I'll go for shopping and buy a lot of stuff!" I laughed devilish and I laid myself on the bed. Huh, the last time I go for shopping is when I was 14.

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