Prologue Part Two

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    Pari readied herself as she and Ryuu were transported into the Cross-Realm. Once there, she wouldn't have much time. It wasn't the best idea, keeping information from Shinju, but it would've worried her more.

    Focus on the job at hand. She thought. Ryuu is the problem now, not the wrath of Shinju. The two combatants landed on the hard ground and tumbled away from each other.

    "I should've known you were the one to be afraid of." Ryuu snarled. "Shinju was never one for killing." He struggled to his feet and drew a sword from a hilt hidden under his cloak. Pari calmly stood up and fingered the stone before saying anything.

    "Drop the sword." She commanded.

    "Fine; it's done." Ryuu tossed the sword to Pari's feet with a sickening smile. When Pari knelt down to pick it up, she kept her eyes on Ryuu, but then her gaze shifted to something behind him.

    "What are you doing here at this hour?" She murmured; Ryuu glanced over his shoulder and saw her. A girl had stumbled out of the forest, and was standing a few feet away, dazed. Her clothes were boyish in nature, also tattered and stained.

    "I don't know..." The Girl stammered. "I was just..." Ryuu walked towards her with a gentle smile.

    "It's okay," he said. "You're safe here."

    "Ryuu! Don't you dare take another-" Pari held up the stone in warning, but it was too late. Grabbing the Girl, Ryuu wrenched her around to face Pari and twisted her head to the side. The Girl struggled, desperate to get out of his grasp.

    "Shhh; struggling only makes it worse." He whispered.

    "Just let her go; this isn't necessary." Ryuu tightened his hold on the Girl as Pari tried to talk him down; he could feel her pulse quickening and her breaths were fast and shallow, she was terrified. 

    "But it is necessary." He said, staring at Pari closely. "She's a Realm-Runner, if I let her go then the fight will be even more unfair. So, if you make any movement, I'll snap her neck." He glanced down at Pari's hand. "Toss the stone over, and my sword." Pari obeyed with reluctance, throwing the items to Ryuu's feet. He immediately picked the stone up, put it in his pocket and pushed the Girl down to have her pick up the sword. She tried to get away, but he grabbed the back of her shirt and pulled her up.

    "Let me go!" She screeched, kicking and punching the air. All Ryuu did was hold her by placing his hand on the back of her neck.

    "I'm not done with you yet." He said with a laugh. Pushing the sword against the Girl's throat he retreated into the forest, dragging his hostage with him.

    "Damn it!" Pari cursed; if the Girl hadn't shown up, Ryuu would be dead and everything would be fine. But now she had to make sure the Girl was safe, and without one of the stones she was virtually powerless. Without further hesitation, she took off in pursuit of Ryuu.

    The Girl still tried to wriggle herself free, despite . With her heart pounding, and the world around her becoming blurry, she knew pushing her body much more would make her pass out. Ryuu didn't seem to care though, he let go of her only when they came to a glade. He then threw her to the ground with a sneer.

    "I should thank you." He bowed while keeping the Girl still with his sword. "If you hadn't come along, I probably would be dead now." The Girl sat silent, looking up at Ryuu with terror and confusion.

    "What do you want from me?" She whimpered.

"I need you to get me back to Hassan." Ryuu responded with a half-smile. "If you're willing to cooperate, then when we get there, I will spare your life."

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