Love, Elvis:
From the time I was a kid, I always knew something was going to happen to me. Didn't know exactly what.
-Elvis Presley
Hi, first we probably should get a few things straight. My name is Diane Ross, age 72. I have brown hair and green eyes. I grew up with my father, Meint, who taught me that a cooking wife is a good wife. Back in the day, I was friends with a man almost everybody has heard of. Our relationship was complicated, but the ride was well worth it. His name was Elvis.
I was strolling along main street Memphis at about 12:00AM, 1960. After I moved out of my mom’s house, I became more of a night owl. I was 20 years old or so when I bumped into a man about 5'9-6'0 that smelled heavily of beer. "Excuse me" He muttered. The minute he looked me in the eye and I knew right then it was him. He laughed and turned back to me, pointing his finger, "Mary, baby! Join me for a drink? It’s been a hard night, I could really use someone to talk to. Will yeah?" He asked, hanging his arm around my waist. How lucky could a person be? He must have mistaken me for someone else…
We sat down at the bar, he sat 3rd seat to the left. I remember like it was just yesterday. The entire room was clouded with smoke from expensive cigars, it was a top-notch bar that only the richest of the rich go to, “How’ve yeah been old friend?" He asked smiling sweetly at me, “Pretty good now! You could say my night has been made" We laughed together and he sighed, “Hey, that’s a nice wallet you got there, could I see it?" He asked. Well that was an odd question. But how could I refuse? I nodded and handed him it. He looked at it, flipped it open and squinted at my ID card, making my heart speed up, "Fine picture yeah got there" He whispered as he handed back my wallet. Shoot, my cover is blown. I can tell by his body language. His shoulders were tense and his eyes seemed to scan all over my face. After a few beers we decided to leave, as we said our goodbyes he handed me his address and a piece of paper.
Let my friend, Diane Ross, into Graceland anytime ~ Elvis Presley
RomanceBASED ON A TRUE STORY. Over one billion records sold worldwide.150 albums and singles hit gold, platinum and multi-platinum. Almost every song he recorded hit America's Top 100 Charts. His concerts hit record setting attendance recor...