Chapter 5| Aaron

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Kyle's POV

"Aaron I swear it's not what it looks-" "Shut up fag! I told you not to be acting gay anymore didn't I?! Or does your mom need to know?" Aaron threatened, pushing me against the wall. "Get off me asshole!" I yelled trying to push him off. "Aaron! Jesus Christ, I went up to him. Calm yourself you big silly goose," Felix said, tugging on his arm. "You see what you did to him! You made my straight homeboy a fucking queer!" he yelled, applying more force to me. "I told you to get off me!" I yelled, kicking him in the groin. "OWW!" he screamed out, pulling away from me.

I glared at him. "Leave me alone! I didn't turn Felix gay, he was born gay! I can't help it if someone likes me!" I yelled. "I'm gonna tell your mom," he said hoarsely. I didn't know what to say back. I felt scared and I wanted to cry cry. "Aaron it's not his fault. I started flirting with him and he was clearly not interested. It's my fault," Felix explained. Aaron glared at me and then looked back at Felix. "If I see you flirting or anything like that with another guy your parents are gonna kill you!" he yelled, before walking off with Felix.

I sighed in relief and leaned against the lockers. "Kyle!" Stan called out as he ran towards me. "Hey dude," I greeted dully. He looked at me confusedly. "What's wrong? Did something happen? You look scared," Stan said, examining me. "Felix started flirting with me-" "I'm gonna kill that son of a bitch!" Stan yelled. "Stan calm down! This isn't about Felix it's about Aaron!" I yelled I response. "Who's Aaron?" he asked. "He's the guy who was friends with Felix and is mad at me for making him gay," I explained. "So Aaron's the guy who's doing that?" Stan questioned.

"Yeah, Felix started flirting with me and Aaron saw. He started threatening me but Felix calmed him down," I explained. "That bastard! I'm gonna beat shit out of him!" Stan exclaimed. "No don't do that. He'll know something's up between us if you do. Let's just go home," I said, walking with Stan. We walked outside and made our way to my house quickly. I unlocked and opened the front door. "I'm home!" I called out. "Hey boobi. Hi Stan, it's nice to see you two getting along again," my mom greeted. "Hello Mrs. Brofloski," Stan greeted politely.

My mom smiled but then looked at me with worry. "Kyle what happened to your neck?" she asked fearfully. I was confused for a moment and then remembered what Stan had done to my neck. "It's nothing mom. C'mon Stan," I said, pulling Stan up the stairs. I pushed him into my room and locked the door behind me. "Goddammit Stan you gave me a hickey!" I whisper-yelled. "Sorry babe, that was careless," Stan apologized. "I'll just cover it up with make up," I said, looking at it in the mirror. "You did worse to me," Stan chuckled. "That shows that you are my property," I joked.

Stan laughed at me joke and then motioned for me to sit down next to him on my bed. I smirked at him and sat down. He started to kiss me softly but passionately, making my heart flutter. He pulled away slightly and pushed me against the bed. I felt my hat fall off my head and all of my hair become exposed. "I love your hair," Stan complimented as he stroked my wavy red hair. "You don't think it looks stupid?" I questioned embarrassedly. "No, I think it looks cool," Stan said, smiling. He leaned over about to kiss me again when there was a knock at my door.

I sighed and Stan got off of me. "Who is it?" I asked. "It's me!" Ike called out, twisting the doorknob. I got up, unlocked the door and opened it slightly. "What do you want?" I asked in aggravation. He pushed the door all the way open and walked in. "Hey Stan," Ike greeted. "Hey dildo," Stan replied in annoyance. Ike scowled. "Kyle what's a dildo?" he asked. "You don't need to know," I replied simply. "Wait, don't you guys hate eachother now?" Ike asked. "Not anymore," Stan replied.

"Ike, did you need something?" I asked. "Yeah, can you forge mom's signature?" Ike asked. "Why do you need me to forge mom's signature?" I asked. "I got in trouble at school. Firkle and I were ditching class again," Ike explained. I sighed and took the paper from his hands along with the pen. "Why were you ditching with Firkle?" I asked as I signed the document. Ike blushed and grabbed the document out of my hands. "None of your business!" he yelled, running out of the room and shutting the door behind him.

"Do you think Firkle and Ike are-" "Let's not focus on it," I said, placing the pen on the desk. Stan grabbed my waist and pulled me onto the bed with him. He pushed my back against the bed again and pressed his lips against mine. He started to kiss me passionately and tug at my hair like he did before. He continued to kiss me until he pulled away and pressed his against my neck again. "Can I?" he asked. "Y-yeah go ahead," I stuttered. He started to suck on my neck causing me to moan. Suddenly the sporting my room swung open. "KYLE?!"

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