Chapter 23| We're Here

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Stan's POV

"What'd you mean he hung up on you?" Firkle asked in confusion and anger. "He just like hung up...something is defiantly wrong," I theorized as the bus we were on hit a pothole causing us to jump. "Well we're almost there I think," Firkle said as he checked our location. "We're like 5 minutes away from Denver," he commented as he scrolled through his phone. "I swear if his parents did something to him I am going to be beyond pissed!" I yelled in the coarsest most rage filled voice I could. "Can you please shut up?!" an annoyed man sitting behind us asked angrily.

"Yeah sorry. It's a long story," I apologized as I looked back at Firkle, whose eyes were filling with tears. "Firkle...I'm sorry they sent Ike away," I said empathetically. "I don't feel like talking," Firkle replied angrily as he wiped his tears off of his cheeks. His eyes were filled with rage but...what exactly was he mad at? Was he mad at Ike's parents for sending Ike away? I bet that's it... Why do his parents have to be so damn meddling?! I'm going to smack Sheila so fucking hard...

Timeskip~10 minutes later

"You said we were 5 minutes away from Denver! But look now! It's been 10 fucking minutes and we're still not-" "Shut up!" the man from earlier yelled. I shot him a glare and then looked back at Firkle. "The stop is right up ahead you dumbass," Firkle gritted as he pointed out the window. "Thank God!" I yelled as Firkle and I ran out of the bus. "Ok, so now we have to get to Irin's Inn. How far away is that?" I asked as Firkle checked his phone.

"Umm, only a few blocks," Firkle exclaimed almost emotionlessly. "Awesome! Let's go!" I cheered, grabbing Firkle by the arm and pulling him down the street. Firkle read me the directions as we turned and ran our way through the city. We finally stopped in front of the small hotel and stared in awe. "Finally, we're getting them back," I muttered triumphantly. We bolted into the lobby but Kyle was no where to be seen. "Maybe he's in his room still," I theorized as Firkle looked around. We walked up to the front desk manager and prepared to deliver a bribe of needed.

"Hey, we're looking for the room the Brofloski's are staying in," I started as rested my arms on the counter. "I'm sorry but I can't just give out that kind of information kid," he replied apologetically. "Please sir, we really need to see them," I continued. The man shook his head and looked back down at his papers. Firkle then slapped his hand down on the counter with a bill underneath it. "Brofloski room, now," he gritted sternly. He then lifted his hand to reveal a $50 dollar bill followed by the man grabbing the bank note. "2 floor, room 5," he said as he slid the money into his pocket.

Firkle and I dashed into the elevator and he pressed the button for floor 2. "Where'd you get $50?" I asked in astonishment. "Stole it from the guy who kept yelling at us on the bus," Firkle replied in a cold voice. "You seem so angry," I commented. "Because I am dumbass. How long did it take you to figure that out?" Firkle asked sarcastically. "Why are you so angry? Shouldn't you be happy? We're gonna see them-" "No dickface! You get to see Kyle again! Ike is gone! I probably won't see him ever again!" Firkle spat.

"You're overreacting, be grateful that we'r closer to getting Ike back," I said calmly. "No! You know what?! Love is for conformists and conformists only! I never should've tried to see life from his point of view! I never should've let him try to be goth! I never should've let him talk to me! I never should've even watched his stupid football game! The only reason we're here is to die and there's no point in anything in between!" Firkle yelled in pure rage. The elevator stopped and I stepped out into the hallway while Firkle stayed behind.

"Aren't you coming?" I asked confusedly. "No, Ike can go fuck himself for all I care. Love is stupid just like that bastard who destroyed my heart! Go have a fucking fairytale ending with your boyfriend you conformist dick!" Firkle spat as the elevator doors closed. I can't believe after everything that happened....he just have up. I was completely shocked and stunned but I couldn't be distracted now. I turned to face the hallway of doors. Kyle is waiting for me and I have to go to him now. I started to walk down the hall until I approached door number 5.

"I'm here,"

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