Chapter 1

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To all who plan on reading: I'm not sure whether I should keep this story going or not, so I need opinions!! Do you like it so far?? What do you like or dislike about it? Should I keep going with this story? Let me know!

Also, there's a picture above of McKenna :)


   It was the spring of 2014, my senior year of high school and I was just about to graduate. I had been dating a wonderful guy for over a year now. The only problem with dating this wonderful guy (whose name was Landon Holland btw), was that we never stopped fighting. It didn't matter what we were fighting about, but we always fought, even about the smallest and dumbest things.

It hadn't always been this way between Landon and I. We had gone the first half of our dating relationship perfectly fine. Not to mention being best friends before even attempting the dating thing. I didn't really know what had happened. Perhaps the fact that he had graduated a year before me and was in college, causing us to only be able to see each other once a week, was a contributing factor.

Either way, our relationship had gone awry. I loved him more than anything in the world and I knew that he loved me just as much, but our fighting was out of control and it was only making both of us miserable.

   And that was when Chase Samuels, a guy who had graduated two years before I did (who I'd had a major crush on before he graduated), had popped back into my life. We had only spoken (through text, anyway) a few times in the two years he had been away at college.

   But now that he was back in my life, he seemed to have changed a lot from the self centered jerk he had been when we were still going to school together. Instead, he was sweet and caring and sensitive. He began to have actual conversations with me and finishing them rather than texting me a few times and stopping mid-conversation. And because we were having actual conversations, we became close friends in just a short amount of time.

   I would go to Chase when I had been fighting with Landon and needed comfort. He would always say just the thing I needed to hear, always making me feel better. I enjoyed having someone to talk to about anything and everything. That person had been Landon until our relationship went downhill.

   The more my relationship with Landon turned to crap, Chase and I became closer. We began to develop more-than-just-friend-feelings and that scared me because even though Landon and I were always having problems, I was still his girlfriend. Of course I still loved Landon. I would always love Landon. I just didn't love our relationship anymore and I didn't love being upset all the time.

You can probably guess what happened next. Though I loved Landon, I couldn't take any more of the fighting. And with that being said, I ended our relationship, having Chase to go to for comfort.

"Chase?" I said when he answered the phone. "Hey, Ken. Are you alright?" He responded. I'm guessing he could tell something was up. "I guess... But Landon and I just broke up..." I told him. "Oh... Gee, I'm so sorry. Is there anything I can do for you?" He asked. "I just need someone to keep me company. And it's okay, I guess. I have mixed emotions about the whole thing. Part of me knows it was for the best... But part of me wishes I hadn't ended it. Do you think you could come over for a little while?"

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