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 Emory's POV

My body jolted up quickly as I heard the scream. I sighed, looking at the clock. She had almost made it the whole night without having the nightmare. Almost... 

It was exactly 5:15 a.m. But her screams were worse then usual and I knew why. The date was September 11th. It was the 3rd anniversary of that tragic day. I got up, jumping out of bed and running to the house phone. I'm 14, and my aunt Cara home schools me because my mom sometimes refuses to get out of bed. She's hurting. 

After dialing the very familiar number, I waited nearly 24 seconds before my auntie answered. "I'm already on my way, princess. Try to wake her up until I get there baby girl, I'm gonna get pickles and oreos, okay?" her soothing voice instructed through the phone. "Thank you, love you, bye!" I said quickly, hanging up before she could reply. 

"Momma, wake up.." I lightly shook her. It was hard to wake her from these nightmares, and if I raised my voice too high, she would wake up in tears. I hated seeing her like this. A long sigh of relief left my mouth when she looked at me, eyes watery, a small smile on her face. We cuddled for a while, watching whatever show that was playing. Which might not have been a good idea. The first commercial was about the memorial they were opening to the public today. Mom hugged me tighter, her body slightly shaking. That's when the door opened. Perfect timing! 

"CARE BEAR!" mom giggled running up to Cara. "SELERY!" Aunt Cara mocked. My mom immediately noticed all her favorites in the bag her best friend held. Before you ask, Cara isn't my real aunt, but her and mom have been best friends since they were 5. "I have never loved you more then I do in this moment!" Mom said, the first genuine smile she's made all week plastered on he face. "HA HA. Very funny. Now go get in the shower, you smell like Emmy's diapers when she was a baby!" she said, gesturing that it smelt bad by pinching her nose and gagging, making me glare at her. 

"Well then" I said with my nose in the air, before strutting into my room. I got out the present I was going to give to mom today, finishing up the details.

Cara's POV

After about 20 minutes that felt like decades, Selena came out of her bathroom smelling like her old self. Her eyes indicate she had cried in the shower so I ran over to her and hugged her, already knowing she needed to break down, she was holding it in. "Sel, I love you. And you know I hate seeing you sad. Imagine what it has felt like to see you broken for 8 years! You don't eat, you don't go out, you shut people out, its not healthy. And you have to get better for Em, for me, your family and your fans! Maybe when your family comes down, we can all go to the memorial..." I said, regretting the last part once I felt her whole body stiffen.

Selena's POV

"What do you mean? Do you honestly think I haven't been trying to get better? As hard as it is for you, its been about 100 times harder for me. every time I look at Emory, I see how much she looks like him. I say her name and I remember the day I went into labor, the day we both decided what we would name her and the rest of our children. We had our whole life PLANNED out. He wasn't supposed to leave me on this earth alone. I wish I would've known he was gonna leave so soon so I could've went with him. We were together since we were 16. He wasn't supposed to die at 27, nope. That wasn't what we planned. Not until after we were old and grey, sipping on some pickle juice. Well, I would be, he probably would've been eating some pancakes. Haha, my baby. I mean, its not like its gonna happen, I will never know what life with him would've been like. And the pain is UNBEARABLE. I don't want to live anymore... I just can't!" I finally let it all out. I had to bite my tongue to refrain from letting too much out. Cara can never know about the suicide letter I had written days after my soul mate died. Or all the thoughts that crossed my mind. 

Emory truly is the only reason, besides my selenators, that I'm still breathing. If I weren't famous, and had so many people look up to me, or a daughter that needs me, I wouldn't have made it all years. The door creaked open, and Emory looked at me, tears streaming down her face, she looked heartbroken. "MOMMY STOP IT STOP STOPPPP! YOU CAN'T LEAVE ME TOO! I CAN'T LOSE YOU MOMMY STOP!" Emory screamed falling to the floor, screaming. Before she came in, I was cuddled into Cara's chest on the floor, because after I came out the bathroom, I broke down in this spot. I felt paralyzed. But seeing Emmy looking so sad, gave me the strength to go to her. I lifted her so she was facing me. 

"Baby, I wont be leaving you anytime soon." I grabbed her hand and led her to the bed. We both sat down, I took a deep breath and gave Cara the look. She knew what was about to happen, squeezed my hand, then left the room.

"Emory Grace, you were too young to understand what happened before, but I think now is the time. I'm gonna start by telling you that you daddy was the best person I've ever met and the only man I've ever loved. We met when we were very young, but he asked me out on my 16th birthday... At first, it felt like I had made a mistake, but soon, he showed me there was much more to life then studying. I don't think I ever told you what a nerd I was! He made sure nobody ever picked on me. Then, before I turned 17, the braces came off, I started wearing contacts, and I started dressing differently and my hair was never in pigtails again! Daddy didn't like it at all, because I wasn't acting the same. There were so many rumors, one of which he ended up believing. He actually thought I cheated on him, so we broke up. on my 17th birthday. I locked myself in my room, not eating or sleeping, just crying and writing songs, until my mom forced him to come talk to me. I was in complete panic because I knew I looked- and smelled- like the struggle. So I ran in my bathroom, took a shower, but when I came out, he was sitting on my bed! I tried covering my body and I was terrified. But he smiled. So I did too. Then when I got dressed, we both laughed until we cried. He told me he read a few of the songs while I was in the shower, and he got on his knees and apologized. he never believed another rumor about me again. That night, we celebrated my birthday, and that night, your brother Drew was made..." I was hesitant on the last part, because it made my heart hurt and she had never known." "Wait wait, like my COUSIN Drew?" she asked, suspicious, her golden brown eyes narrowed. Just like Justin's used to... "Drew, cousin Drew, is your older brother... but we couldn't keep a child at 17, so Aunt Vanessa took him. Me and Jay actually broke up because he wanted Drew, but I couldn't be a mom that young. but I wasn't sad, he was being selfish. I wasn't sad at all, until I found him and my ex-best friend Taylor making out. He came back a week later and apologized, and a month later, I forgave him. Because I realized he wouldn't give up. Everything went good, and on my 21st birthday we got engaged. The wedding was the same year. By the time I turned 22, you were born. Best wedding present ever! On September 11th, 2001, your dad went to New York to see his dad about something. Grandpa worked there. I was all the way here in L.A. If they didn't know he was Justin Bieber, his body would've been marked unclaimed and immediately disposed along with the buildings remains. I came too late, I didn't get to say goodbye. You were on my hip when they said "Ma'am, your husband, Justin Drew Bieber flatlined an hour ago, we are very sorry for your lost. The situation caused a miscarriage, I lost my baby. They contacted Drew because he was signed on Justin's will, and that's when he found out his dad had died, and he didn't even know it was his dad. He came to live here until he met Jasmine, then they moved in together. We buried Justin and your baby sibling the same day, and had the funeral at the same time. That was the worst and most emotional speech I've ever made. but I was fine, for the first 5 years. Crying myself to sleep, but waking up and performing for my fans. But on the 5th anniversary, I got lupus. Not having the love or my life or being able to sing, drove me into deep depression. But I think its time I start singing again... its just that, your dad promised me forever, but forever isn't always..." I was hyperventilating by the end, but Emory opened my hands and put a beautiful scrapbook in my hand. "Me and Cara asked Taylor, your ex best friend, and Aunt Nessa, oh and Grandma Mandy to help. They gave us pictures of you and daddy, from the day you met, until the last picture you two ever took. Every single picture. Now, you can have the memories forever. You're right, forever isn't always, but this is pretty close." She said and we cried together after agreeing we had to head to New York to see the memorial.

Author's Note*** HEYYY GUYS, if you cried, i apologize. I couldve made it worse like i planned but its late and my aunt told me to stop crying and go to sleep sooo idk, but next time i write a sad story expect to CRY. It's already in my head MUAHAHAHAHA. And i sincerely apologize if this sucked, because i dont like it.- Like i said tho, next will be so much better haha FEEDBACK WELCOME 

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