Chapter 10: New Guy

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Linnea POV-

I am enjoying my life. Do you want me to tell you why? Because. Its Me Time. Good news after good news today. I am over with all my problems, I have started new from Monday. I am sure my life is now going to get better and better. Especially when I have don't have to face problem with my undeniably hot senior. He hasn't been bothering me since two weeks. I see him alot near corridors, strangely he never stares me, but my super eye caught him staring thrice. I guess he forgot me. Weird part is, I didn't want him to forget. Stacy told me that he was searching for me in the party. I had promised him to be there. Was he mad beta of that? But well now its already two weeks, so it doesn't matter. Its better not to get involved in him again.

I hate the fact that I think about him at least once in a day, okay okay twice. That elevator thing almost made me sick. I don't know why, but my b.p has beem high since that day. Oh you don't worry, I'll be fine.

Some important things, Stacy has been acting weird these days, I am guessing its because of her pimples and soon-to-be-skeleton weight. I am sure that she will get over it very soon. But as a extremely good friend I will talk to her again.

Coming to studies- My practicals are getting better but theory part is going down and is about to crash. I hardly concentrate in class. I am afraid that I will fail and If that happens I am seriously going to kill myself. I don't want to be a failure anymore. It hurts.

Its 5 am in morning, and I am already ready for the day to get started. I wear my sports bra under my sweatshirt,and pulled up my Nike shorts and shoes. If only I was not so dedicated to studies, this brand would have been down to ruins, because I would steal everything. I love sport brands and I love sports. All of them. It took me years to have those, because I kept saving my money to buy them. My shoes were latest.

Oh well when I am talking about sports let me inform you one thing more. Somedays I take tours around the football stadium from outside because inside boys practice football. The great soccer players. Football is my favorite. When I was in school, I tried to make my own soccer team but, girls will be girls, very few of them joined, so I played with boys, only the times they let me to. Most of the time I was for defence or goalkeeper, they never allowed me to stand for forward, they doubted my skills. And I am not much of a rebel, I am cool. I guess you must have noticed that by now. I don't believe in word fight, for me flesh to flesh is better, if the other have guts to. But I definitely try to make peace with words. If you remember have already said that I give best speeches.

Anyways, so everyday was normal, I jogged then I got ready for classes then studies studies studies then die. Then every morning its like -'surprise I am alive'. LOL.

Okay so everyday run was similar until today.

This morning, I was running, taking all fresh air in me, so that the world succumb to death. Sorry. But that's what we really want when we are in trouble, I know right? Morning jogging was my time to do the thinking part, it also helped me to stay away from college pressure.

I have got my exams coming up, and I am not prepared for it. I got plenty of time but even then I wasn't able to finish it, I wasted it very merily. I don't go for partying, drinking, I just sit in my room doing nothing. I take everything for granted, Sometimes I wonder why I was born. I don't even know who I am or what I want to do. Basically life sucks, and me too. I don't want to suicide like may do, because that would mean running away from problems. I never do that.

That reminds me of Daniel telling me I run away from him, so I guess you are not a problem Daniel.

So this morning I was running, my knees were hurting, I was sucking in all air, my pulse was probably 500 beats per min as I could hear it loud in my head, my hair was sweaty as its locks stuck to my face weirdly.

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