The Black Room

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A/N: Please tell me in the comments if you see any grammar mistakes or typos so I can remove them. :)

"Come back, I want to play~" a sweet voice spoke.

"Are you sure this is okay? They won't remember, right?" Another cried.

"Good lu-"

These memories spun through my mind as I woke up. I felt my back leaning against a wall. Feeling very disorientated, I opened my eyes and I saw nothing. Great. Hope I'm not blind, that would suck.

What the hell did just happen? What am I doing here? Where is here? How did I get here?

Let's first figure out where I am.

Luckily a bright light blinded me. Thank god, I haven't lost my sight! When my eyes adjusted too the light I looked around. The light came from a small white box that was flying in the middle of the room. I wonder what it would be. The room was empty exept for me and the box. The walls were black just as the ceiling and floor.

Okay, now I know where I am! Well sort of. I stretched out and stood up.
I immediatly fell back due dizzyness. Leaning against the wall I waited for a few seconds until the dizzy feeling faded away. I must've sat there for quite a while.

Let's try that again. I stood up this time without failure and walked towards the box. I almost lost my balance a few times. If somebody was watching they would've thought for sure that I was drunk. I finally reached the box.

It had no opening and wasn't attached to anything. I tried to take it out of it's current place but I failed. I could only spin it around. I didn't realy have anything else to do so I just stood there hitting the flying cube until I heard a sound and jumped in suprise. It took me a moment to realise that the sound came from my belly. When was the last time that I ate something. I couldn't remember.

What was I doing here?

Let's see what did I do today, maybe that'll clear my mind. There has to be something that I remember, right? Maybe somebody put me here as a joke? I began to feel very uneasy. Who would do such a thing?
"Hello is somebody here? Someone please help me!" I begged with a raspy voice. No reaction. I coughed, it would be nice to have a drink or something. I want to get out of here already.

There is oxygen here, how does that get in here? Maybe I can find a way out! This bit of hope eased my stress a little. I walked to the wall and began my investigation. Sadly I couldn't find a thing. What a huge succes so far.

Lost, I leaned against the wall and sat down. I'm tired, maybe I should sleep a little....

I woke up to the sound of me being hungry. I rubbed my eyes and looked around, oh almost forgot that I was locked up in this coulorful room. I closed my eyes again until a certain smell piqued my interest. The smell of food! I almost squealed in joy. In the middle of the room on the flying cube was a silver plate with a bottle of water and a piece of bread.

I sat up quickly and ran towards the plate. First I drank some water then I took a bite out of the bread. I almost puked, this didn't taste like bread at all. This tasted like canned dogfood. How do I know what dogfood tastes like? So gross. I grabbed the bottle of water not wanting it to dissappear and sat on the ground.

I couldn't figure out how to get out. I didn't know where I was. I was starving and now I wasn't even able to sleep. What a wonderful senario. I walked back to the wall and sat down leaning against it. I began banging my head to the wall. After quite some time the feeling of hunger took over and I decided to take another bite out of the bread. I was still disgusting. After every bite I rinsed my mouth with the water. But in the end the taste didn't realy go away.

With nothing more eat I hit the cube again. And again. "Let me out!" I yelled not speaking to anyone in particular. Not having anything to do gets realy boring. Wait how did the food get in here? It didn't just appear out of nowhere, did it?

Is this real? I squeezed myself. Alright it's not a dream, I think.

Al kinds of weird theories popping up in my head about the miseries food plate, but I doubt that they're even close to what happens in reality. Somebody probably put it down there while I was sleeping.

Some time later I found myself scratching on the wall. As if it would break open or something. My hands were bleeding. Then I had an idea, I walked to the flying white cube and began fingerpainting with my blood.

I drew a happy smiley face and a sad one. I also drew a tree and a square. I'm feeling very inspired today. I walked back to the wall so I could try falling asleep again. But as soon as I had turned my back towards the cube the walls began shaking. Is it an earthquake?! Everything was shaking. I sat down in the shape of a ball and quivered in fear.

I turned around but I could never have expected to see something like this. The weird cube had soaked up my blood and was turning red. I looked at the wall and saw what was making the noise. The walls in front of me were splitting, as if it was a door.

I looked at the splitted walls when the shaking and the noise had finally stopped, behind the walls was a completly white hallway at the end of it was a door with a note on it that said:

Good Luck with the rest of the puzzle.

Hope you liked this. :)

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 17, 2016 ⏰

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