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Hopes Pov~

24 hours later and I'm finally in London. I board out of the plane and grab my luggage. Urgh now to find my uncle. All I know is he's managing some sort of band and I have to help him and share a tour bus with them great. Apparently I get to meet them today yay (((sarcasm))). Anyways I finally see my uncle and run to him. 

"CLINT!" I scream  

"Hopey Dopey" he says  

"Oh you I'm 17 now not 5" 

"I know it just been forever now come on let's get you home and rested and then you can meet the boys."  

Their boys great.  

"Yes their boys?" He says reading my mind. 

We drive to this fancy flat thing. He shows me my room which is pretty plain but he explains to me that I can re decorate it anyway I want. I jump on to my bed which was extremely comfy and fall into a peaceful sleep.

I wake up to more than my uncles voice.  

"So can we meet her?" One says 

"Yeah is she nice" another says 

"Hot or not?" Omg boys will be boys  

"Guys she's probably sleeping keep your voices down" I knew that voice all to well. Why would my uncle be their manager? He knew bits and pieces of mine and Luke's past? I walk down stairs to make sure I heard the voice correctly only to see 4 boys backs to me and my uncle looking up and smiling at me. The boys look to what he is smiling at. Lets just say I think Luke went in to total shock.  

"Ho... Hope?" Luke stutters  

"What's the matter Lukey cat got your tongue?" 

"No I just didn't expect to see you again?" 

"Neither did I that makes two of us" 

"Seriously your still pissed off with me after a year?" 

"Why wouldn't I be Luke? You ran out on me without saying a word to join some gay ass boyband" 

"Hope drop it" 

"Thing is Luke I'd love to see things from your point of view but I can't seem to get my head that far up my ass." 

With that i walk back up my room and scream. He's the same boy I feel in love with and now I'm stuck with him for a whole year. Exactly the opposite to what I wanted.


Okay chapter 2 down I know it really short I'm sorry :( x 


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