It must have been the cat

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You woke up suddenly to a loud banging noise from your parents room. You threw your covers off of you and slowly creaked open your door. You tiptoed across the hall to your parents room. "Mum,dad?" You whispered.

You flicked on their light and a horror met your eyes. Your mothers innards were strewn across the walls and the bed and her head was decapitated. You turned around to see your father on the floor, his hands nailed together and knives stuck throughout his whole body. The worst bit was that he was still squirming around. You knelt down to his level and spoke "you weren't meant to live" silently you pulled out a knife and plunged it through his neck. His eyes turned wide in horror as a smile played at your lips. Once he stopped struggling you turned away and went back into your room, jumping under the covers. "It must have been the cat" when in fact that bang was your father desperately trying to escape your clutches

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