Chapter 16

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Leo took me by the hand and led me through his front door.
He turned around and kissed me on the cheek, his breath smelt like Nutella and mouthwash. I loved how soft his lips felt on my face, how he took so much care when he kissed me.

He pulled away from my cheek, looking into my eyes.

"Sleepover tonight?"
"Sounds great!"

"Charlie and Georgia shall be here shortly! But for the moment, it's just me and you!"

"Oh Leo! Are your parents home?"

"Naa, my mums staying over at my Nan's, and Antonio's working down south, so is at a hotel. So we've got the house to ourselves!"

"Aww Leo, I love you!"
I pressed my forehead into his chest, his chin resting firmly on the crown of my head. He started planting little kisses into my hair, sinking in causing me to giggle lightly.

How could something that happened often, leave so many butterflies fluttering around my stomach?

Just as he grabbed my waist to pulled me in closer, the doorbell chimed loudly.

We jumped, releasing from the warm embrace with our eyes wide with surprise. I giggled at his frightened little face, how cute it was! 

"I better go get that!"
He breathed softly into my face, the aroma of Nutella and Fanta swirling around me, hugging me tightly.

I sat on his bed, my hands on my knees, patiently waiting for Leo to emerge. What if this girl was really pretty? What if she was a bitch? What if...
I pushed away all the negative thoughts. What if she's really nice? What if we get along really well?

It's gonna be okay Harriet, stop worrying all the time! If ANYTHING was to EVER happen between me and Georgia, Leo would take care of it in the flutter of a butterfly.

I heard footsteps coming upstairs, along with loud laughs and high fives.

I held my breath, and breathed out slowly, my sweaty hands running through my curls.

Leo emerged through the doorway, his Tupac poster sliding into its hiding place.

"Charlie, Georgia, I would like you to meet my princess.. This is Harriet!"

I stood up and smiled, waving my hand shyly at the tall, blonde boy who had walked through the door. Behind him, emerged a tall, pretty brunette. This must of been Georgia.

"OMG hi!! I'm Georgia!! Leondres told me so much about you! Your just as pretty as he described you!"

Her smile wasn't fake. She was an actual nice girl, that's new!
What was I supposed to say? I hadn't heard anything about her..

"Hey Georgia!! Can't believe I've finally met you, leondres been talking about you too, your even prettier than he described" I said with a wink.

Leo gave me a smile, and a small thumbs up. I must had said something correct. My awkwardness must fading..

"So, who wants a drink?" Asked Leo, his eyebrows raising and a smile creeping upon his face.

"Can I have a lemonade?"
I asked, doing my puppy dog eyes.

"Sure thing baby girl!"

"Make that two!"
Said Charlie, an angelic smile from ear to ear.

"Babe would you like anything?"

Georgia shook her head, a small smile on her face.

"Okay, me and Charlie will go and get them, you two stay here and chat."

I nodded politely, and watched them jog down the stairs, pushing and shoving each other playfully.

"So I-"

I felt a hard shove, causing me to topple of the bed onto my back.


I looked up at Georgia, she had a bitchy smile on her face.

"What the hell was that for?!"

Without another word, she gave me another shove, causing me to topple backwards into Leo's wall.

I shook my head, pushing the dizziness aside to register what was ACTUALLY happening right now, was this bitch INSANE?

She walked up to me, the smell of 'our moment' perfume causing a war in my nose.

"Sophie told me everything, your even more of a freak than she described!"

I was given a sassy, rude look up and down, before my foot was repeatedly stamped on. I put my hand over my mouth to stop myself from screaming with the pain.

Footsteps were coming upstairs, we both gave each other a scowl before scurrying back to the bed.

"You girls okay? We heard loud bangs?"

Georgia was quick to respond.

"Yeah, we were just having a mini dance off while you were gone!"

She batted her eyelashes at him, as if she was the nations sweetheart.

It made me sick.

I gave Leo a quick smile and twisted my hair with the tip of my finger, my usual sign that everything was okay.

I tried to make myself think that it was..

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